TGIF! Hm, what to say about this week? Well, I'll put it in Internet terms; smmfh, rme, omg, lmfao, stfu, gtfo and WTF @ this week! I have had so many WTF moments this week, it's crazy. I mean moments that you just can't even do anything but shake your head and laugh about. I'm sure many people have had weeks like this. "If it ain't one thing, it's another!" I really don't know how to summarize all the things that have gone down this week and all of the things that I've learned. This blog will definitely be something that I am not; random…
- Happy as hell to have had Monday off this week; not so happy about having a flat tire Tuesday morning that needed to be repaired so I could make it to work by 7:30AM. WTF!
- Bank account over drafted with rent, electricity and phone bill due today. WTF!
- I don't know what it is about Texas drivers, but I've been cut off, ran off the road, flipped off, damn near side swiped all while trying to travel down the street to McDonald's. WTF!
- Working for a cable company part-time that everyone seems to hate with a passion, sucks ass! 4 different customers called in this week stating that they waited over 6 hours for the technician to show up for an installation. All 4 customers outside of their home see each one of their assigned technicians slow down in front of their homes long enough to write a note down and speed off! Customers later find out that the technicians have cancelled their install and declared the customer NOT AT HOME! Clearly all 4 customers were standing in the front yard! WTF!
- Why do some people just always have to be in competition? Do you really just have to have the last word that bad? Does it make you feel better if the last thing that came out of your mouth makes absolutely no sense at all? Bringing up shit from the past that has nothing to do with the situation at hand does not help plead your worthless case. WTF are you saying to me? Just shut up.
- Still floored about The New Kids On The Block getting back together after what seems like 50 years. WTF!
- Nobody reads my blogs. Blah, but a sistah shall write on!
- I have heard 17 different remixes to Lil' Wayne's Lollipop this week...WTF!
- I actually went an entire week without talking to my ex best friend. WTF and I'm actually okay with that?
- Why is the one mistake I made of befriending someone still haunting me? Why is my name STILL in this person's mouth? Please get over the fact that you were dismissed and leave me and my friends alone. You've done enough damage, trust me. Why am I on the verge of losing yet another friend behind this bullshit? Humph, I guess if "bullshit" can break a friendship apart, it wasn't that strong to begin with right? WTF ever...
- My monthly bitch is in town and it's the worse day to deal with whining, illiterate, senseless ass customers complaining about their cable being cut off; knowing that they haven't paid a bill since Dec. '07. Please beat it, I'm not in the mood for it today.
- Why am I getting calls from someone working behind a register at Home Depot all afternoon? I pick up and hear nothing by forklifts, banging ply wood, falling sheet rock, and cash register noises in the background. I get a 7 minute long voicemail with this shit going on. Please take your phone out of your apron while at work. Hello....KEY LOCK! Matter fact, lose my number; we don't talk anyway.
- I'm trying to win a party gift basket here at work and I put $13 down for 13 chances to win. Why did this son of a bitch come and put down $50? Then come to my desk, "Tamica dear, I have bad news. You won't be winning that party bucket. I just put down $50 smackers!" Please get out of my face, before my hand goes across your face 50 times. I'm bitter, because I wanted those damn Mike N Ike's out of the basket! Ugh!
- Why is everybody gay and pregnant? You know what? Never mind.
- Now here I am at work and I must've missed the Memo, because every one has taken called in today. I come in to a pile of about 50 - 60 files on my desk to bill. They can all kiss my ass today. As a matter of fact, I may go home sick for the afternoon.

Can we say REVERSED HAPPY HOUR?! I am for sure partaking in some strong alcoholic beverages tonight. I will drink away the cramps in my stomach, drink away the dumb asses that surround me all day everyday, drink away the sorrow of missing those who are obviously not coming back, drink away the fact that I will be broke next week. However, I will be drinking to the fact, that my bills are paid, drinking to the fact that I have two good jobs, drinking to the fact that I'm a strong independent woman who has so much love for herself that she can't be touched, drinking to the fact that June is finally here and that means its time for my yearly raise, and most definitely drinking to the fact that I can have a WTF week but still smile throughout the day!
I am more than happy to kiss this week goodbye and submerge myself into a very relaxing weekend ahead. For those who have suffered through a WTF week like I have; here is a toast to you! TGIF!!
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if you were in california i'd have to apologize for possibly being the one who ran you off the road. but you re in texas so im off the hook *whew*
and wtf? lol @ everyone being gay or pregnant. right? i just found out two of the girls i work w are gay. that would have been nice to know BEFORE i changed in front of them, ew.
Lol yes you are off the hook. Smh @ you running people off the road period, loll.
yes everybody seems to be gay AND pregnant @ the same time. I happen to be gay, but I hate the fact that is a trend now days. lol I am pretty sure those girls you work with are harmless. Fortunately being a lesbian does not mean we want EVERY woman we see.