May 2008

Well my mini vacation is almost over. I dread leaving my parents house and stepping back into my reality. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself here and I'd give anything to stay just a few more days. Surrounded by unconditional love, with little or no responsibility, no worries and no expectations. I love it! Too bad it's over.
Aquarius - May 26, 2008
It is obvious how much you like to dream, dear Aquarius, and certainly, this is an important part of your existence. Realize, however, that there comes a time when you must face reality. This is one of those days when you need to bite the bullet and deal with your bills. Take care of annoying errands that you have been putting off for weeks. Send the letters that have been building up on your desk for days. Stop making excuses.
Yes indeed tomorrow it is back to work and my normal routine. I was faced with the reality that I seriously need to go on a budget and truly save some money. I'm going to have to make some changes and stop spending money like my last name is Combs. I need to stop with the many excuses and do something with that apartment of mine. I need to take better care of myself health wise and stop with the excuses that I'm still young and I'll live another day regardless. The truth behind that is that young people even younger than me are dying every day with problems that were once reserved for older people.
Shit has to be taken care of in my life and it's nobodies responsibility but my own. These horoscopes lately have been placing me under a microscope and slowly have been picking me a part little by little. It's what I need, I suppose. So with that said, grab the sawed off and shoot that muthafucka; this is one of life's bullets that I must bite with the quickness.
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