May 2008
Being that the quote of the week is so darn long, I'll just get right into it.
That sounds lovely doesn't it? Sadly, everyone's home isn't this pleasant. I can't say that I had a horrible household growing up. Although, it wasn't as functional as it could've been; my best memories as a child are the moments spent at home. I think that way now that I've experienced the outside world a bit away from home. Problems and issues that I had with my parents could have been alot worse and I recognize that fact. I no longer blame my childhood as an excuse for my present. When I was living there, it was a totally different story, loll. However, even back then when things went on at school or something, I always recited those "I wanna go home" words. So there was indeed some comfort that came from within those four walls. In fact, when I have troubles and worries in my own household being an adult, I will get this sudden urge to go back home and just lay in the bed with my parents. Or just be near them for an extended amount of time and hear them tell me that everything will be alright. Sometimes, I'll stay so long that my dad begins to wonder if I was evicted and did I even still have a home to go to.
I didn't come from a household full of brothers and sisters; it was just me, my mother and my father. I grew up the only child in the home, which had its pros and cons. I wouldn't say that I was smothered with attention and affection, but I can say that I didn't have to worry about sharing it, loll. I probably could've used a little bit more listening ears and "I love yous", but all in all I think I turned out to be a pretty good woman. Well, despite what some may think!
Home is a beautiful place in my opinion. I know there are alot of people out there that will quickly disagree with me. Especially in today's time. All these broken homes, unwanted, abused and molested children, unemployed individuals, domestic violence and so on and so forth. Some might say, that their home isn't the best place on earth to reside and would give anything just to get away. It's not supposed to be like that though, and my prayers go out to the people that suffer within their home. Much respect goes out to the parents still maintaining that healthy household, and keeping up with a place that their kids, family and friends can call a home of joy and love.
I didn't get a chance to go home this weekend, but next weekend I'm packing the overnight and spending some quality time with my folks. Honestly right now, I do wanna go home...
What is home?
"A roof to keep out the rain?
Four walls to keep out the wind?
Floors to keep out the cold?
Yes, but home is more than that.
It is the laugh of a baby,
the song of a mother,
the strength of a father,
warmth of loving hearts,
lights from happy eyes,
kindness, loyalty, comradeship.
Home is first school and first church for young ones, where they learn what is right, what is good, and what is kind, where they go for comfort when they are hurt or sick; where joy is shared and sorrow is eased; where fathers and mothers are respected and loved, where children are wanted; where the simplest food is good enough for kings because it is earned; where money is not as important as loving-kindness; where even the tea kettle sings from happiness. That is home. God bless it!" - Anon.
That sounds lovely doesn't it? Sadly, everyone's home isn't this pleasant. I can't say that I had a horrible household growing up. Although, it wasn't as functional as it could've been; my best memories as a child are the moments spent at home. I think that way now that I've experienced the outside world a bit away from home. Problems and issues that I had with my parents could have been alot worse and I recognize that fact. I no longer blame my childhood as an excuse for my present. When I was living there, it was a totally different story, loll. However, even back then when things went on at school or something, I always recited those "I wanna go home" words. So there was indeed some comfort that came from within those four walls. In fact, when I have troubles and worries in my own household being an adult, I will get this sudden urge to go back home and just lay in the bed with my parents. Or just be near them for an extended amount of time and hear them tell me that everything will be alright. Sometimes, I'll stay so long that my dad begins to wonder if I was evicted and did I even still have a home to go to.
I didn't come from a household full of brothers and sisters; it was just me, my mother and my father. I grew up the only child in the home, which had its pros and cons. I wouldn't say that I was smothered with attention and affection, but I can say that I didn't have to worry about sharing it, loll. I probably could've used a little bit more listening ears and "I love yous", but all in all I think I turned out to be a pretty good woman. Well, despite what some may think!
Home is a beautiful place in my opinion. I know there are alot of people out there that will quickly disagree with me. Especially in today's time. All these broken homes, unwanted, abused and molested children, unemployed individuals, domestic violence and so on and so forth. Some might say, that their home isn't the best place on earth to reside and would give anything just to get away. It's not supposed to be like that though, and my prayers go out to the people that suffer within their home. Much respect goes out to the parents still maintaining that healthy household, and keeping up with a place that their kids, family and friends can call a home of joy and love.
I didn't get a chance to go home this weekend, but next weekend I'm packing the overnight and spending some quality time with my folks. Honestly right now, I do wanna go home...
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My home is my sanctuary, my family is my comfort zone. They get on my nerves sometimes but I know once I leave I’ll instantly become home sick. I was blessed , I didn’t grow up in a broken home, it wasn’t perfect, but I can’t complain. Home is where the heart is, and my family will always have my heart, so whenever I’m with them, I feel right at home. I really enjoyed the quote for this week, it reminded to appreciate my time living at home and being with my family.
"Home is where the heart is" Cliche', yet so very true. Wherever our heart lies, that is our home, our comfort zone. When we love something, someone, that comforts us, we tend to draw near to that "thing." It is our "home" that one place we feel FREE, to express, to feel, to just let go and allow growth and change to confront us.
Nice Blog.