May 2008
I am going to declare this past week as my "lazy week". I'm not too proud of that, but then again I'm not ashamed of it either. I took my vacation day yesterday and I loved it. I so graciously called into Comcast and told those suckers and I would not be slaving for them between my normal weekly hours of 5:00-9:00. Had I gone into work last night, I'm not sure how many people would still be Comcast customers once they got ahold of me and I'm not sure if I would still be a Comcast employee. My supervisor is vacationing in Italy anyway, so I wasn't really concerned about it. So all in all, my week was alright I suppose. I know that there is a lot of things that I could've gotten done, but when I'm in vacation mode; all else is a wrap.
At this moment I am here at work, dreadfully taking these calls one by one. It's not too bad, so I decided to take the time out to write my weekly re-cap blog. Usually these are written onFriday, but I was so into reading other blogs I straight up forgot to write my own. Although a day late; I still have the thoughts resting on my dome to be released. As I sit here and think about this "lazy week" of mine; I ask myself what is the real reason I get into this mode? I sense that my vulnerable phase lasted longer than anticipated. I psyche myself out at times infecting my mind with negative thoughts. Sometimes I feel as if there is so much more that I can and should be doing in life. Granted I work 16 hour days; I still feel as if I'm trapped in this whirlwind that will
never end at times. When will the cycle end? I make myself believe in my own invented hype that nothing has changed for me financially and that I'm over working myself for no reason at all. So I become rebellious and go into my "lazy" state. I slack on my grind big-time! I should have gone into work yesterday evening and owned that extra cash. Instead I called in thinking that it wouldn't matter one way or another. Sad, sad, sad.
I did a little bit of shopping yesterday and it wasn't really until then that I realized that I honestly have come along way since I started these long work days. Wish shopping, strolling through every section of my most favorite store on earth, Best Buy; I thought back to this time last year and remembered the sleepless nights I had, the hungry days and the over drafted bank account status. 2007 started off a tad bit rough for me. I was all alone in my first apartment for the very first time. It was nothing like dorm life away from home as I tricked myself into believing it would be. I was in a world with people I didn't know (or didn't want to know for that matter), in a not so safe neighborhood, miles away from my parents, all alone. This is when I really started to get closer to my best friend at the time. I depended on her mentally for a lot. She helped me get through some very hard times. My life was intensely altering at the beginning of 2007.
Now here I am; in a new place, in which I absolutely love, my faith is a lot stronger in God, I'm slowly beginning to except change as a good thing, I'm financially content (not stable, but content, loll.), I have two great jobs that have helped strengthen my patience with people. Everything is not going to be the way I'd like it to be, because of the simple fact that I'm human and I'll more than likely never be satisfied. There will always be something lacking in my life, due to the imperfections of myself and this world. I am anxious to jump head first into next week and tackle it at full force since I slacked on my grind this week.
In the meantime I am going to finish enjoying this lazy weekend of mine; watching movies on the high def. idiot box and catching up on some much needed sleep. I'm still undecided as to if I want to go to my parents house tomorrow or not. I just might go spend some time with the folks. I truly do dig our relationship now that I'm NOT at home, loll. I do hope everyone enjoys their
weekends and if you're having a lazy one like me, I know it'll be good.
T.[Nicole] signing off - Life is truly about attitude and perspective. Unfortunately this week my attitude was jacked up and my perspective was severely blinded.
At this moment I am here at work, dreadfully taking these calls one by one. It's not too bad, so I decided to take the time out to write my weekly re-cap blog. Usually these are written onFriday, but I was so into reading other blogs I straight up forgot to write my own. Although a day late; I still have the thoughts resting on my dome to be released. As I sit here and think about this "lazy week" of mine; I ask myself what is the real reason I get into this mode? I sense that my vulnerable phase lasted longer than anticipated. I psyche myself out at times infecting my mind with negative thoughts. Sometimes I feel as if there is so much more that I can and should be doing in life. Granted I work 16 hour days; I still feel as if I'm trapped in this whirlwind that will
never end at times. When will the cycle end? I make myself believe in my own invented hype that nothing has changed for me financially and that I'm over working myself for no reason at all. So I become rebellious and go into my "lazy" state. I slack on my grind big-time! I should have gone into work yesterday evening and owned that extra cash. Instead I called in thinking that it wouldn't matter one way or another. Sad, sad, sad.
I did a little bit of shopping yesterday and it wasn't really until then that I realized that I honestly have come along way since I started these long work days. Wish shopping, strolling through every section of my most favorite store on earth, Best Buy; I thought back to this time last year and remembered the sleepless nights I had, the hungry days and the over drafted bank account status. 2007 started off a tad bit rough for me. I was all alone in my first apartment for the very first time. It was nothing like dorm life away from home as I tricked myself into believing it would be. I was in a world with people I didn't know (or didn't want to know for that matter), in a not so safe neighborhood, miles away from my parents, all alone. This is when I really started to get closer to my best friend at the time. I depended on her mentally for a lot. She helped me get through some very hard times. My life was intensely altering at the beginning of 2007.
Now here I am; in a new place, in which I absolutely love, my faith is a lot stronger in God, I'm slowly beginning to except change as a good thing, I'm financially content (not stable, but content, loll.), I have two great jobs that have helped strengthen my patience with people. Everything is not going to be the way I'd like it to be, because of the simple fact that I'm human and I'll more than likely never be satisfied. There will always be something lacking in my life, due to the imperfections of myself and this world. I am anxious to jump head first into next week and tackle it at full force since I slacked on my grind this week.
In the meantime I am going to finish enjoying this lazy weekend of mine; watching movies on the high def. idiot box and catching up on some much needed sleep. I'm still undecided as to if I want to go to my parents house tomorrow or not. I just might go spend some time with the folks. I truly do dig our relationship now that I'm NOT at home, loll. I do hope everyone enjoys their
weekends and if you're having a lazy one like me, I know it'll be good.
T.[Nicole] signing off - Life is truly about attitude and perspective. Unfortunately this week my attitude was jacked up and my perspective was severely blinded.
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For this to be a recap of your "lazy" week, you sure did have a lot to say. Can't wait to see what happens during a not so lazy week.
Thanks for stopping by.
Lol! Yeah, I know I can be a tad bit long-winded at times.
Thank you for stopping by!