May 2008

I try my best not to go to bed with irritating things on my mind, but sometimes I do fail at this task. I also try to not let things get to me when coming from certain people, because these people are never going to change and what they do is to be expected in the first place. This is another task that I fail miserably at times. You ever known a person that you have tried time and time again to communicate with, but they never get the picture? I mean everything is drawn out as clear as the skies above and they still don't get it. You just want to scream and shake them until THEY GET A CLUE!!
Aquarius - May 28, 2008
You may be feeling a little bit lost in the dust today, dear Aquarius. Somehow what you are thinking and feeling is not exactly chiming with the conversation at hand. Don't feel like you need to agree with the group just so you can feel like you fit in. Maintaining your own unique point of view is critical. You are better off rolling with the punches instead of trying to put up a fight.
I have accepted the fact that my logic is quite different from most, but does that mean I should change my point of view because some folks just don't think long and hard enough to get it? Hell no! This morning I had to catch myself before I went totally left field on an individual. When I go totally left, it's hard for me and whatever person I went left on to get right again. Most of the times it's never right again after that. However, I was able to catch myself this morning. I was a little upset about a situation that happened yesterday before I went to work, and I was still bothered by it once I got off. As usual this person played the role that they play oh so well; the dumb role and completely blew it off as if it were nothing. I'm always accused by this person for being petty and tripping on things that aren't "serious". First of all, if I'm tripping over it, then it must be serious. Just because you choose to ignore the obvious does not make me petty, that just makes you inconsiderate.
I really can't stand when a person is sitting in the hot seat and then finds a way to turn everything on you every time! What is so hard about fessing up to your wrongdoings? Your lame excuse is "well you do it all the time". Really? Do I? If that were the case (which it is not) why do you choose to do what I do? That makes you a follower; be your own person. Stop with the bullshit, because you are only making yourself look dumber than what you already do. But perhaps, you are okay with that. You don't mind acting clueless in every situation. Perhaps you don't mind pushing me further and further away.
This morning I realized that my constant battles with this person was pointless and I was indeed fighting a brick wall. Some people will never change no matter how much you try to communicate with them on certain issues. I'm not into forcing change upon someone, and sometimes you have to suck it up and take it. Or in my case; you need to get a clue and realize that you are no good for this person and this person is damn sure no good for you. If it one thing I don't have time for, that is drawing colorful pictures for blind people.
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maybe she needs a seeing eye dog more than a "relationSHIT"