May 2008
Happy Hump Day everyone. Thank goodness we are half in this week and half way out. It's a short one for me, but I'm still ready for it to be over all the same. It's that time again, College Wednesday, where we summarize 99% of the people you'll ever meet in college or in life. This week we introduce The Ethnic Treasure and The Exam Begger. I'm sure we all know some one like these two characters today. You be the judge:

Ethnic Treasure - Comes from a multi-ethic background, and will constantly bring this up. They will write articles in the school paper about how delightfully confused they are about knowing which ethnic stereotypes to conform to.
It's no secret that some multi-culture individuals love playing a victim role. They have to make it known every chance that they get that they are a mixed race. They use this as an excuse whenever they feel they've been done wrong. Play that multi-race card! True victims of the swirl! My niece and nephew are multi-culture children and I have told them on numerous occasions, you don't have to announce that you are both black and white, because that is already a given fact. No one wants to be reminded of this. You will not play the role of a victim and there is no need to be confused. I think it's easier for them in their generation than it was back in the day. Now days, people lie and say that they're mixed, but they truly aren't. Slap some weave in your head and you have certified Native American blood flowing through your veins. Now you're accusing people of hating on you because of your culture and that you can't help it if you have "good hair". Please beat it, you and everybody else knows that is a weave in your head! I love my multi-culture people, but please stop victimizing yourself and accept both sides of you, because both cultures are truly what made you who you are.

The Exam Begger - This person cannot take a test without first begging for as much review or information as possible. They cannot prepare for a test without first knowing seemingly unimportant details like "How many questions are on this test?" They will beg for extra review sessions, extra credit, and to know the exact breakdown of how the test is scored. They will waste the whole class when a test is announced if the professor doesn't shut them up. They will also spend the entire first session of a class, when the syllabus is presented trying to make homework a much higher percentage of the total grade.
I know that most would say that a person could never be too prepared for a test, but I also know we've all met this person described above. Hell, some of you may even be that person. I for one do not dig irrelevant information. All things that have been gone over for you on multiple occasions should not have to be repeated again. If you don't get it by now, then give it up. Most of my professors in school that were considered to be "strict, irrational, an asshole or a bitch", I loved them! They did not waste any time on things that have already been outlined in full detail in the syllabus given to the students on the first day. On the other hand, some professors let students like the Exam Begger carry on for almost 2 class periods about the review, outline and scoring breakdown of the test. Everybody else is mad as hell. It's always one! Always one! Stop begging and take the test! If we all fail, pray for a curve!
Alrighty, well that concludes this week's College Wednesday. I have a crap load of work here on my desk that needs some attention. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. See ya next week!

Ethnic Treasure - Comes from a multi-ethic background, and will constantly bring this up. They will write articles in the school paper about how delightfully confused they are about knowing which ethnic stereotypes to conform to.
It's no secret that some multi-culture individuals love playing a victim role. They have to make it known every chance that they get that they are a mixed race. They use this as an excuse whenever they feel they've been done wrong. Play that multi-race card! True victims of the swirl! My niece and nephew are multi-culture children and I have told them on numerous occasions, you don't have to announce that you are both black and white, because that is already a given fact. No one wants to be reminded of this. You will not play the role of a victim and there is no need to be confused. I think it's easier for them in their generation than it was back in the day. Now days, people lie and say that they're mixed, but they truly aren't. Slap some weave in your head and you have certified Native American blood flowing through your veins. Now you're accusing people of hating on you because of your culture and that you can't help it if you have "good hair". Please beat it, you and everybody else knows that is a weave in your head! I love my multi-culture people, but please stop victimizing yourself and accept both sides of you, because both cultures are truly what made you who you are.

The Exam Begger - This person cannot take a test without first begging for as much review or information as possible. They cannot prepare for a test without first knowing seemingly unimportant details like "How many questions are on this test?" They will beg for extra review sessions, extra credit, and to know the exact breakdown of how the test is scored. They will waste the whole class when a test is announced if the professor doesn't shut them up. They will also spend the entire first session of a class, when the syllabus is presented trying to make homework a much higher percentage of the total grade.
I know that most would say that a person could never be too prepared for a test, but I also know we've all met this person described above. Hell, some of you may even be that person. I for one do not dig irrelevant information. All things that have been gone over for you on multiple occasions should not have to be repeated again. If you don't get it by now, then give it up. Most of my professors in school that were considered to be "strict, irrational, an asshole or a bitch", I loved them! They did not waste any time on things that have already been outlined in full detail in the syllabus given to the students on the first day. On the other hand, some professors let students like the Exam Begger carry on for almost 2 class periods about the review, outline and scoring breakdown of the test. Everybody else is mad as hell. It's always one! Always one! Stop begging and take the test! If we all fail, pray for a curve!
Alrighty, well that concludes this week's College Wednesday. I have a crap load of work here on my desk that needs some attention. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. See ya next week!
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Dang, i've been out of college so long that it's just a memory, but i believe i remember these too, if not in college they exist in my work life, so i hear ya. I am however still being trained and the one's who get on my nerve the most are the "I" individuals, they are the ones who have to relate everything the instructor says to "I". I really don't give a shit about "I", i am trying to learn so new shit here, and in other words, i wish you just stfu!