May 2008

"Mica, tell em' why you mad son!" Ha! Well, it's safe to say that I am a blog world outcast! When I first joined this site I was Totally Stoked that I had finally found a place that I may fit in. I was so tired of blogging on Myspace and Downelink receiving little or no feedback. Not to mention the feedback that I was getting was extremely ignorant. Then I stumble onto this site and am totally amazed by people's topics, attitudes, humor, adventures, pictures, etc. When I found out I could subscribe to folks blog and keep up with their current posts; that was right up my alley. I started adding people to my list of intriguing blogs and reading them on a daily. I post comments everyday leaving my thoughts right along with the other 30 people leaving theirs. I was damn excited. Then...
33 blog post later, I realize that once again I am a blogging outcast. Hardly no one reads my blogs, and I can only hope to get 1% of feedback on the post. I'm probably only bothered by it, because I'm sensitive right now. Catch me next week and more than likely I won't give a damn.
Aquarius - May 30, 2008
Adjustments may need to be made for you to relate well to people and situations today, dear Aquarius. Somehow things are a bit off kilter and you may find that the harder you try to fit in, the more you are apt to feel like an oddball. Try not to get caught up in other people's battles and work to maintain a balance between real life and fantasy. Be careful that you don't get so caught up in someone else's world that you forget to deal with your own.
The fact of the matter is, I love writing and whether people read my words or not shouldn't matter. Writing cleanses my soul and helps my days go by so much smoother. I love reading everyone's blogs, because its a source of entertainment to me while I work my 16 hour days. A chick just can't really help but to feel like the odd woman out at times, but its okayyyy! I do appreciate my 3 or 4 readers that do make it a point to comment every once in a while. I don't plan to commit blog suicide or anything; just tellin' why I'm mad at the moment son, loll.
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girl do you. when i first started my blog no one read it either, but its a great source to get the thoughts out of your head and into the air...
thanks for the aquarius bit, im an aquarius too...
I figured it would take some time before folks actually ventured over into my blog territory. I was just bitchy yesterday, loll. In fact, I just love writing and reading so I will just continue doing what I have been doing; keeping my bitching to a minimum. I do thank you for reading though. Fellow Aquarians always welcomed.
Same here, i remember, nobody coming in fact, and would be happy just to see one comment...takes time, just do you, vent, whatever it is you like to do,...it's the old "if you build it, they will come mentality"...then ask yourself, are you blogging for them, or for you?
It's me the Prodigal Femme. Probably the last face you want to see. But I like reading your blogs T.I. and I feel the same as you do. I've been journal whoringmyself for years trying to make new friends with folks of the same mindset. In some aspects it works in others it fails. fact of the matter is, blogging is just a fad for some people and it wen out of style like a Jheri Curl. You've got that Soulllll Glo. Just let it shineeeeee.. Ooooooh .
P.s. No i'm not Stalking you. You already know that's not in my nature.