Jun 2008

I use to like horror movies so much when I was younger. However, they seem to be going more and more down hill every year that passes. Most horror movies that I dig are ones that can actually take place in real life. These still kind of scare me. The Strangers did not do it for me though, I must say. I anticipated this movie, because it looked interesting and it was yet another fucked up situation that took place in Texas. Does my state really have all the horrific serial killing monsters? I thought we gave that up with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, loll.
The movie started rather slow to me. I was waiting for the punch line. I mean it was obvious that there were strangers in the house, but I was waiting for someone to get stabbed, tripped, scratched, punched or something! Somebody make a move dammit! A bunch of crying and screaming going on for nothing. The strangers that actually entered the house were weird as hell. They kind of freaked me out with those masks. Anything that resembles a clown terrifies me, period. That was the most scariest thing about the movie and that is only because I have my own personal phobias.

So of course the white woman fell. What is a horror movie without white women constantly tripping over the air around their ankles? Then after there it was nothing but limping. Typical! Geeze, can we have one white woman not fall and break her ankle?
I feel the strangers could've been taken by the unlucky couple in the house, but they were weak and scared. Wack. Another disappointing horror movie. I'll see what Saw V is talking about when and if it comes out this year.
T. Nicole's rating on The Strangers...2 Stars!

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D movie for sure...i don't even think i will see this one on dvd, thanks girl!
hmmm...thanx cuz i didnt wanna see it anyway
i wanted to see this...but i was gonna wait until it was on demand or something. nothing is really TRULY scary anmore...except the hills have eyes 1 & 2 were kinda gross.
I'm glad you ladies will not waste your money on this awful film. PCD - The Hills Have Eyes scared the crap outta me!