Jun 2008
It's that time again. Welcome to College Wednesday; where we summarize 99% of the people you'll ever meet in college or in life. This week we introduce The Geek Provider and The Grade Inquirer. Didn't know my lunch hour was up already so let me make this quick!

This is sad, but and I feel sorry for this person. Just when they thought they had a friend; only to figure out that people only used them for their specific skills. They are good people though. They try their hardest to fit in and actually think that they were invited to a party because they were cool. In actuality they were only invited to work the camcorder, sync the iPod with the speakers or make store runs. Poor guy or girl.
Grade Inquirer - The G.I. immediately has to know what grade you got on a test the second you get it back. G.I. will not divulge their own grade if yours is higher. If G.I. did get a higher grade, they'll offer a sympathetic shrug and let you know you did better than so and so and keep your head up.
Lmao. I couldn't stand this dude. He was always anxious on the day tests were handed back out. He would be turned sideways in his seat waiting for you to get your results. He studies your face to see if it’s a good or bad reaction. Then he will ask you in a not so discreet way what grade you made on your test. 9 times out of 10 you don’t even know this dude; never saw him in your life. Your face will scrunch up like, "who the fuck are you?" and depending on your personality you may or may not answer his question. For those who are like me and you DO NOT respond to this nosey bastard; he'll still tell you his grade anyway as if you asked what his results were. "Well, I made a perfect score on my test. More than likely the highest in the class." You'll roll your eyes and bite your lip, because you don’t want to curse at this dude in class.
Alright I have to go now. See ya'll next week!
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