Jun 2008
I can't believe it's almost 1:00! I have been so busy today; I'm surprised my head is still attached to my body. Even though work is kicking my ass like a UFC event, I'm having a wonderful day. It's a beautiful day outside, although hot as hell! Houston surely doesn't know how to act when it comes to this heat. My mind feels more at ease today, which is good, because today is the first day back to Comcast. I wonder what awaits me when I get there. Which customers will rip me a new one tonight? Ha! I don't care, today they can't break me, phase me; as a matter of fact they can blow me!
Aquarius - June 4, 2008
Today is a fantastic day for you to take action, dear Aquarius. Your eagerness to strike out on new territory is being heightened by a drive to experience the new and unknown. Take an internal journey and see what kind of wonderful things you can discover. There is a tremendous strength inside you that does not always get a chance to show itself. This is the perfect day to prove your courage to the world.
Hm, new territory huh? I hope that does not mean a new female. I'm not in the mood, loll. I have been talking to a couple of nice girls the past week or so. I have a feeling it won't go anywhere though. The slightest thing turns me off, because I've grown so accustom to myself. My standards are pretty high now days. I just don't want to settle for less yet again! Today's words could mean anything, but as long as it gives me the feeling of newness, I'm down for it. I really feel that June is going to be a good month period. May was so blah; June just has to go well for me.
Back to work...grrr!!
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