Jun 2008

Welcome to another terrible Tuesday; just kidding. I'm alright this morning. I haven't hated Tuesday all month. Probably because I took off from my second job every Tuesday in June. However, this is my last Tuesday off from Comcast. Next week starts another week from hell; starting with Tuesday. Yesterday was a pretty good day, I suppose. I found myself to be a tad bit irritated by the end of it for various reasons. I've come to the realization that I analyze people too much and they always come up short. ALWAYS.
In the words of Weezy F. "They don't make em' like me no more. In fact, they never made em' like me before. I'm rare; like Mr. Clean with hair." Totally agreed Dr. Carter! We are not the same I am MARTIAN! It's official. I think with both sides of the brain, my heart is on the right side of my chest, I live in a different time zone, and so on and so on; I am just DIFFERENT. I can't keep running into the same exact problem with everyone I meet and blame them; it's me. I cannot fault them for not being anything like me and not understanding where I'm coming from. How could they? I was talking to someone about this last night and she helped me to realize a lot of things. She asked me have I ever been in total awe by someone. I had to think a long time. Usually if I started out in awe; it later turned into an AWW SHIT! HELL NAH! NOT YOU TOO! Or something like that. By the way, thanks Diamond; for listening and pretending like you understood, loll.
So my scope says no one is more adaptable to circumstances than I. I'm sick of adapting to be honest. I'm sick of wasting my breath on people who will either dismiss what I have to say or retort with something that has no sensible meaning what so ever. Does anyone have a focused brain anymore? "No, Mica you're just too quiet." Not really. I speak with it's worth it. I don't know about anyone else, but my words are priceless and precious. Why waste them? I don't speak to be cut off and forced into a moment about what's going on with a television show or what's going on in your background. I'd much rather stay quiet. Forgive me if I don't respond; what you just said means nothing to me. That's where I go wrong though. When I'm talking to someone, I give them my undivided attention, because clearly, yet MISTAKINGLY label them as worth it. I turn off my T.V, I ignore incoming phone calls, text messages (depending on who it is), I close my laptop and I'm focused on that person and the conversation at hand. 95% of the time; I don't get this same considerate gesture in return.
It's funny, my scope also mentioned that I would run into the narrow-minded and unreasonable. *sigh* Lord not today, please. Give me a break. I just got off the phone with an old friend and she suggested that I just remain quiet. She's been trying the same technique and it's remarkable what you find out about people. The question is; do I look over certain things and still peruse a friendship or continue to write people off like I've been doing for the past 3 or 4 years? I know everyone one doesn't own the same qualities and everyone won't be that entire package. Some will lack what others possess. Like my old friend said, "You might just have to build a repertoire." Hm, food for thought. I was so use to having just one good friend who was equipped with the entire package. Bitch, loll. I can't stand her for setting the bar so high, now it's hard for me to settle for less.
I'm going to try and keep these realizations in mind and stop writing people off so soon and so fast. I'm going to hold true to my forgiving and compassionate soul (or lack there of? Loll!) and turn this people analyzing thing down a notch or two. It's really not a good look, for certain people. I'm becoming more and more irritated and will more than likely end up a lonely old hag because of it. I am a Martian, but I'll socialize with the earthlings until I find someone of my liking and of my kind. Good luck you say? Thanks, I'll need it.
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how beautiful...the path of self discovery....