Jun 2008
Okay, I felt my day taking a slight turn and this only happened within 2 hours. No worries. I'm still all smiles. One of my expectations turned into a slight disappointment is all. It seems as if no one has anything significant to say to me today. I think I'm over it now though. So it's said that keeping the heart warm will bring great blessings. I can vow this to be true. When my heart is at it's warmest temperature; great things seem to happen. My days are so much brighter and the blessings come by the millisecond it seems.
Walk tall as the trees,
live strong as the mountains,
be gentle as the spring winds,
keep the warmth of the summer sun
in your heart, and the great spirit
will always be with you.
- American Indian Proverb, "unknown tribe"
I think the quote truly speaks for itself. Not really much to elaborate on when it comes to the meaning of it. Ingredients as follows; self esteem, strength, humility and kindness. Mix together in your heart and watch what miracles occur. This is the recipe for great blessings.
I can't say that everything has gone smooth for me this year thus far. In fact, a lot of fucked up things have occurred. I have taken it all in stride though. I've kept moving in life and have let none of it hold me down. People have made fun of my height for years and they still do on a day to day basis. I'm a Shorty; get over it, please. Truth be told; I do walk as tall as the trees. I stand high above so many; mentally and spiritually. So I continue to laugh at the immature remarks being spoken, because I know how tall I stand in life. I know how strong I am in life. I know that every trial and tribulation I experience will only make me stronger and wiser. I know that I can be hard at times and my skin can be very tough to break on the outside. I have a very big problem with letting people in my heart, but once you're in there; I can be the most gentle and kindest person you know. It just takes awhile to get there, loll.
All in all, I'm happy with the woman that I've grown to be. I wouldn't change me for anyone or anything. I'm confident in my thinking, actions, and all around being. People don’t like me, and I respect them for their opinions. Everyone isn't going to like who you are in life. Someone will always have a problem. I've proven to be a weirdo and one who is constantly misunderstood. I am a life long study that will more than likely never be figured out. I love that! I love the mystery behind my own eyes. I love the interest that are peaked within the first 5 minutes of conversing with me. Turns me on, haha. I turn me on! Too much information? Lmao, I'm sure. Sorry.
I want to thank my loved ones who have loved me since the beginning of time. Love is a powerful thing. When it's lost it hurts like hell, but when it comes back and is received all over again; the feeling is indescribable. This brings the warmth of the heart up a few notches and is THE GREATEST blessing of all blessings. So those who have stuck it out with me this year and who have not turned their backs on me, I appreciate you. I welcome the new comers into my life, because even though you've been here for a short period of time, you've still made an impact on my life. You all have added flavor to my great recipe for blessings. Because of you, I'm winning. The victory smells and tastes like a warm peach cobbler! Okay, Okay, I'm getting mushy. I must go now. Someone turned the heat on here at the office, so we all may die soon. So if you don't hear from me again; you know what happened. Peace.
Walk tall as the trees,
live strong as the mountains,
be gentle as the spring winds,
keep the warmth of the summer sun
in your heart, and the great spirit
will always be with you.
- American Indian Proverb, "unknown tribe"
I think the quote truly speaks for itself. Not really much to elaborate on when it comes to the meaning of it. Ingredients as follows; self esteem, strength, humility and kindness. Mix together in your heart and watch what miracles occur. This is the recipe for great blessings.
I can't say that everything has gone smooth for me this year thus far. In fact, a lot of fucked up things have occurred. I have taken it all in stride though. I've kept moving in life and have let none of it hold me down. People have made fun of my height for years and they still do on a day to day basis. I'm a Shorty; get over it, please. Truth be told; I do walk as tall as the trees. I stand high above so many; mentally and spiritually. So I continue to laugh at the immature remarks being spoken, because I know how tall I stand in life. I know how strong I am in life. I know that every trial and tribulation I experience will only make me stronger and wiser. I know that I can be hard at times and my skin can be very tough to break on the outside. I have a very big problem with letting people in my heart, but once you're in there; I can be the most gentle and kindest person you know. It just takes awhile to get there, loll.
All in all, I'm happy with the woman that I've grown to be. I wouldn't change me for anyone or anything. I'm confident in my thinking, actions, and all around being. People don’t like me, and I respect them for their opinions. Everyone isn't going to like who you are in life. Someone will always have a problem. I've proven to be a weirdo and one who is constantly misunderstood. I am a life long study that will more than likely never be figured out. I love that! I love the mystery behind my own eyes. I love the interest that are peaked within the first 5 minutes of conversing with me. Turns me on, haha. I turn me on! Too much information? Lmao, I'm sure. Sorry.
I want to thank my loved ones who have loved me since the beginning of time. Love is a powerful thing. When it's lost it hurts like hell, but when it comes back and is received all over again; the feeling is indescribable. This brings the warmth of the heart up a few notches and is THE GREATEST blessing of all blessings. So those who have stuck it out with me this year and who have not turned their backs on me, I appreciate you. I welcome the new comers into my life, because even though you've been here for a short period of time, you've still made an impact on my life. You all have added flavor to my great recipe for blessings. Because of you, I'm winning. The victory smells and tastes like a warm peach cobbler! Okay, Okay, I'm getting mushy. I must go now. Someone turned the heat on here at the office, so we all may die soon. So if you don't hear from me again; you know what happened. Peace.
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