Jun 2008

The reason why I have stopped talking to a lot of people is because good conversation seems to be a thing of the past now days. If it's one thing I hate, it is a dead ass conversation! I've dismissed so many people because of it and I have no regrets. I mean really if you don't have anything meaningful to talk about, you're wasting my time; point blank. Okay now I do understand it won't be this way all of the time, but if you've never engaged in one meaningful conversation in your entire life, maybe you should start. I do not want to feel and look like this cat above these words every time I am on the phone with you. It's not a good look, seriously. I am quick to fall asleep on someone if I'm not interested in anything they have to say. I mean I've reserved time in my brain for you to occupy, and if you're falling short of that task there is nothing else left to do but sleep. I'm not one to drift in thought while someone is speaking, because I focus on the topic at hand, but if that topic is equivalent to watching paint dry; night night, lights out!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
You really don't want to waste your energy with unimportant chatter today, even though you may need to pretend that you are interested in someone's story about an uninteresting topic. Nevertheless, your harsh rejection could initiate an awkward set of events, so it may be best to remain quiet and do the socially correct thing. You'll still have plenty of time for more meaningful discussions of your own choosing later on.
I can be labeled as rude when I tell people that I have no idea what they are talking about and more than likely I'm going to take a hike because they are slowly killing my brain cells. Is that rude? Hm, could be. Sometimes it's said that I am quiet while talking on the phone, but I'm only this way because I've already noticed how random and inattentive the person is. This means I'm not wasting my breath on a conversation that will be cut off for something irrelevant to me. This saves both of us; me from being irritated and you from getting your feelings hurt. This is the socially correct thing to do. I've found myself having to do that a lot lately. Let me keep my mouth shut and let this person talking run around like a chicken with their head cut off, wait for the sleep to kick in and get off the phone.
So bring on the meaningful discussions. I've been waiting for those to arrive. However, it'd be nice if they arrive without me having to start them!
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