Aug 2008
I stole this survey from Eb!!
Pick One:
A month: February. I'll be 25 years old this coming February and I'm bitter sweet about it. It's a milestone and I am happy that I've come this far and all, but my 20's are slowly running out.
A day of the week: Sunday, because it is my only day out of the week and that I do not have to work a single job. On the seventh day she rests!
A direction: There isn't any direction but up for me. If I look down, I might fall and that ain't happening homie!
A historical figure: Corretta Scott King
A kind of weather: I love the winter time. I like Winter in Texas. 60-65 degree weather.
An animal: Aww, I like kittens.
A flower: I don't like flowers
A color: Black
A sound: The sound of Ella Fitzgerald's voice.
An element: Air, because without it; I wouldn't be able to catch the beautiful sounds of music, children laughing and my beautiful mother's voice. I wouldn't be able to breathe either and that's always a plus, loll.
A song: Ledisi - Alright
A book: The Voice of Knowledge - Don Miguel Ruiz
A food: Smothered Chicken
A place: My parents house.
A material: Whatever material her dress would be made of the very first time we meet.
A taste: Man, I'll be good. I do love the taste of honey though.
A scent: Man anything that smells good on a woman's skin. Oh and it must linger! I want to smell her 5 minutes after she leaves a room.
A word: Genuine
An object: Sidekick
A body part: Neck full of veins!!!
A facial expression: dumbfounded
A time of day: 9:00pm! I am finally free from working all day long!
Random Questions:
How many people have you kissed in 2008 that actually meant something?
Meant something huh? 2 I guess.
Were you happy when you woke up today?
I sure was.
Do you hate the last person you kissed?
What are you listening to right now?
A commercial on the radio.
Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?
A duffel bag full of things nobody needs to know about.
What are you wearing?
black slacks, a burgandy button down blouse and some black shoes.
Are you texting anyone right now?
am about to return someone's text message.
Do you like anyone right now?
I sure do.
Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
What can't you wait for?
To go play bingo with my friends, lmao!
Have your parents ever smoked?
Do you want someone back in your life?
Who was the last person who called you?
My friend Regina. I miss her ass so much!
Are you good at giving directions?
Hell no. I will have a person everywhere except where they need to be.
Would your parents be mad if you got pregnant /got someone pregnant?
I'm sure they'd be disappointed.
Rent a movie or go to movies?
Go to the movies
What did you eat last?
Some chicken
Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
Is your ex still in your life as a friend?
Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?
Would you ever steal someones boyfriend or girlfriend?
I have more than a few times before, and karma rocked my world upside down!
Mountains or the beach?
When was the last time you cried?
Sometime last month.
Who's someone you miss?
How many times have you been in love?
I've been "in love" twice.
How many times have you had your heart broken?
Do you hate people who are obsessed with things like High School Musical, Hannah Montana, and The Jonas Brothers?
What the hell is this stuff? Shows?
Have you ever spread a rumor about someone?
No, but I have passed on the word.
Did you French kiss before you were 16?
Wayy before. *cough* I was a fast beginner. I'm not proud of this.
Who is the first person you think of when someone asks you who you like?
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?
Do you prefer to call or text someone?
Were you bad in high school?
Would you take any of your ex's back?
Do you cry over girls/boys?
If I'm "in love" with that girl.
At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender?
1st grade.
Are you happy with your love situation?
I love me! Of course I'm happy with that. I have somebody sneaking in the picture though. She's one tough cookie too. Man oh man.
Last boy/girl to hurt you?
I love that girl and she's my friend, so it doesn't even matter!
Would you fail your drug and alcohol test?
Who's your favorite person to cuddle with?
I don’t like to cuddle.
Pick One:
A month: February. I'll be 25 years old this coming February and I'm bitter sweet about it. It's a milestone and I am happy that I've come this far and all, but my 20's are slowly running out.
A day of the week: Sunday, because it is my only day out of the week and that I do not have to work a single job. On the seventh day she rests!
A direction: There isn't any direction but up for me. If I look down, I might fall and that ain't happening homie!
A historical figure: Corretta Scott King
A kind of weather: I love the winter time. I like Winter in Texas. 60-65 degree weather.
An animal: Aww, I like kittens.
A flower: I don't like flowers
A color: Black
A sound: The sound of Ella Fitzgerald's voice.
An element: Air, because without it; I wouldn't be able to catch the beautiful sounds of music, children laughing and my beautiful mother's voice. I wouldn't be able to breathe either and that's always a plus, loll.
A song: Ledisi - Alright
A book: The Voice of Knowledge - Don Miguel Ruiz
A food: Smothered Chicken
A place: My parents house.
A material: Whatever material her dress would be made of the very first time we meet.
A taste: Man, I'll be good. I do love the taste of honey though.
A scent: Man anything that smells good on a woman's skin. Oh and it must linger! I want to smell her 5 minutes after she leaves a room.
A word: Genuine
An object: Sidekick
A body part: Neck full of veins!!!
A facial expression: dumbfounded
A time of day: 9:00pm! I am finally free from working all day long!
Random Questions:
How many people have you kissed in 2008 that actually meant something?
Meant something huh? 2 I guess.
Were you happy when you woke up today?
I sure was.
Do you hate the last person you kissed?
What are you listening to right now?
A commercial on the radio.
Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?
A duffel bag full of things nobody needs to know about.
What are you wearing?
black slacks, a burgandy button down blouse and some black shoes.
Are you texting anyone right now?
am about to return someone's text message.
Do you like anyone right now?
I sure do.
Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
What can't you wait for?
To go play bingo with my friends, lmao!
Have your parents ever smoked?
Do you want someone back in your life?
Who was the last person who called you?
My friend Regina. I miss her ass so much!
Are you good at giving directions?
Hell no. I will have a person everywhere except where they need to be.
Would your parents be mad if you got pregnant /got someone pregnant?
I'm sure they'd be disappointed.
Rent a movie or go to movies?
Go to the movies
What did you eat last?
Some chicken
Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
Is your ex still in your life as a friend?
Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?
Would you ever steal someones boyfriend or girlfriend?
I have more than a few times before, and karma rocked my world upside down!
Mountains or the beach?
When was the last time you cried?
Sometime last month.
Who's someone you miss?
How many times have you been in love?
I've been "in love" twice.
How many times have you had your heart broken?
Do you hate people who are obsessed with things like High School Musical, Hannah Montana, and The Jonas Brothers?
What the hell is this stuff? Shows?
Have you ever spread a rumor about someone?
No, but I have passed on the word.
Did you French kiss before you were 16?
Wayy before. *cough* I was a fast beginner. I'm not proud of this.
Who is the first person you think of when someone asks you who you like?
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?
Do you prefer to call or text someone?
Were you bad in high school?
Would you take any of your ex's back?
Do you cry over girls/boys?
If I'm "in love" with that girl.
At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender?
1st grade.
Are you happy with your love situation?
I love me! Of course I'm happy with that. I have somebody sneaking in the picture though. She's one tough cookie too. Man oh man.
Last boy/girl to hurt you?
I love that girl and she's my friend, so it doesn't even matter!
Would you fail your drug and alcohol test?
Who's your favorite person to cuddle with?
I don’t like to cuddle.
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You don't like to cuddle? wow. That's serious. I wonder why. . . and this is jackked
I second that Organized Noise...
Did you have a bad experience with cuddling? Did someone try to put you in a headlock and claim it as a hug or something?
Just kidding....
sort of.
I love surveys like this. It helps us learn a lot about you. Thank you for posting.
Lmaoo @ both ya'll. No I do not like to cuddle. I will only cuddle with someone I am in DEEP love with. How often does that occur? Never; so get your hands off me! We got our jizzles off, now go home! lol.