Just "One Of The Guys" Girl - She is always hanging out with the guys and may not have a lot of female friends to hang with on a day to day basis. Tries her hardest to fit in with the boys by playing video games, burping, commenting about the "hott" girls (and why they aren't good enough), takes part in random mischief ect. She is always there to give relationship advice, and is usually friends with all of the guys girlfriends.
Can we say on the verge of becoming a lesbian? Either that or this girl is having a major identity crisis. Then again, I do know a few women who just don’t like to hang out with other females. Shit we all know how emotionally unstable and dramatic females can be. That's one reason why I don't hang around a lot of females either. There was a time period when all I hung out with was guys as well. But I didn't fit in with the females, because I was to tomboyish and we just didn't have anything in common. I hadn't came out yet and I was just downright confused, loll. The guys took me underneath their arms and we were all thick as thieves. They were totally comfortable in front of me. I gave them advice about their women and their women were fine with me always being around their men. Hell, I didn't want them anyway, loll. When I finally did come out, the guys were cool with it. A couple of them tried to convince me to do a threesome, but that was to be expected. It felt like they tried to look after me even more so than. I miss my boys, too bad they all got knocked.
Karaoke Superstar - Possessing the incredible ability of knowing the lyrics to every song ever written, but unfortunately lacking the talent to flaunt it properly. The Karaoke Superstar molds every moment of their life into that of an American Idol reject. Whether it be wailing along to their favorite Nickelback song at the bar, or belting out Phil Collins in the dorm shower at 8 in the morning. The Karaoke Superstar fails to hit the right notes every time. Those in earshot will reel in horror at the audio assault, exclaiming, "Oh my God, a cat fell into the blender!" or "It sounds like someone is scraping a cheese grater across a 200 feet blackboard!". The Karaoke Superstar falls under the category of "completely ignorant", believing their vocal styling to be those of a professional. Frequently an actual Music major, mentioning their shortcomings will result in a major blow their ego.
ROFLMAO!!! Uh, you hate to be a bubble buster, you really do, but it's these people that you do NOT feel sorry for when Simon rips them a new asshole on American Idol. These people can hear themselves. They know what they sound like. They should be embarrassed to even attempt to hum. But noooooo, these are the people always the first in line at the Karaoke bar. Fucking up the entire Karaoke experience for everyone in attendance. There are times when it's cute at and can be taken as a joke. Then there are times when it dawns on you that this person is serious. They really think they can sing. Then….there are times when it's life threatening. Everyone in earshot drops dead. Google it; I'm not kidding.
Welp, that was great. I have to go now. Peace.

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