Aug 2008
I had a run in with the law this morning and it has me on edge right now. Doing 60 in a 40 exiting the freeway got my ass pulled over with the quickness trying to make it into work by 7:30. DRAT! Needless to say, I was late. The thick tongue officer issued me a ticket. Damn. I'm paying that muthafucka, because I don't have time for court appearances nor defensive driving. Hell, I tried to pay it as soon as I got into the office this morning, but I know that thick tongue officer has to do his thing first. I would've gave him cash if I could, then I would've probably been locked up for attempting to bribe an officer. Blah.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
It feels as if you don't have much time left, so taking care of your responsibilities early in the day is a smart idea. Unfortunately, you could work hard, only to discover that you should have been doing something else. But don't look back, for you probably won't see your past very clearly now. Just do what you can to get ready for the big changes ahead.
My horoscope has been contradicting itself lately it seems like. It's making me seem bipolar. Who knows? It's 2008; isn't everybody bipolar and gay now anyway? Whatever. One thing I do agree with here is not looking back. My mom always gets irritated with me, because I don't acknowledge her "what you should've did" comments. Clearly what should've been done was not done and all I can do is deal with the consequences of my present state, learn from them and not make the same mistake twice. Unfortunately, I can't retrace my steps and take back whatever was done. She thinks I'm being careless, I suppose. When in reality, I'm being logical about it. How much time is wasted by dwelling in the past over empty "coulda, woulda shoulda's"? Just have the common sense to not do it again and recognize it as a lesson learned.
I had a nice talk with someone last night about wasted emotion and how all humans are merely artists creating their own image of their life. Behind everyone's eyes is a world. Their world. Their perspective. No one's painted image of life is the same. Some may use similar strokes and similar colors, but it's never the same. I'm learning to not become upset when someone goes against the image that I've painted in my life. It's not their fault, because they've painted their own image and what they did very well may be logical to them. Who am I to say it's right or wrong? I may talk my shit (perhaps call them a circus monkey), frown my nose or I might stop talking to them for a small period of time, but at the end of the day; it's their image vs. my image. Do I let that person being who they are be the cause of me losing sleep at night or not being able to function throughout my day? Heck no! Life is too short for all of that. God did not create us to be the same and this is why he gave each of us our own brains and our own pair of eyes.
Anyone who keeps up with my blog or who considers themselves to be close to me; knows that my constant battle is accepting people. Having no expectations of them and understanding that they are who they are and that is all they will or can be. This has been the hardest thing for me to grasp. I test people and I set standards for them, but they always come up short. They cannot be the image that I paint and it's not fair of me to expect them to be in the first place. Someone whom I've been having a lot of trouble with accepting told me yesterday, "this is who I am, either you deal with it or stop talking to me." I thought about that for a second. I was irritated with that person, because they couldn't seem to hold an organized conversation, they're always bored, and were forever summing me up. I judged this person through my own created image of "perfection". Of course this person was not that. So I had a choice to make. Life is all about acceptance. We accept the things that happen in our lives, we accept the people that walk into our lives and we accept those same people that walk out of our lives for whatever reason. I quoted this before, and I'm doing it again; "It's true that there is conflict, but the conflict is in the human mind and not in the universe."
I can say that I've gotten much better with this whole accepting concept. I believe that God has placed someone in my life that is my ultimate test in this area. I'm tested everyday through this person and I'm learning different techniques in how to handle accepting them for who they are. Not letting my anger and emotions over come me just because they are not what I expect them to be; which is just like me. If I come to the conclusion that I cannot deal with that person and their image, then we both have to accept the fact that we do not fit into each others worlds. Plain and simple right? Righhhtttt.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
It feels as if you don't have much time left, so taking care of your responsibilities early in the day is a smart idea. Unfortunately, you could work hard, only to discover that you should have been doing something else. But don't look back, for you probably won't see your past very clearly now. Just do what you can to get ready for the big changes ahead.
My horoscope has been contradicting itself lately it seems like. It's making me seem bipolar. Who knows? It's 2008; isn't everybody bipolar and gay now anyway? Whatever. One thing I do agree with here is not looking back. My mom always gets irritated with me, because I don't acknowledge her "what you should've did" comments. Clearly what should've been done was not done and all I can do is deal with the consequences of my present state, learn from them and not make the same mistake twice. Unfortunately, I can't retrace my steps and take back whatever was done. She thinks I'm being careless, I suppose. When in reality, I'm being logical about it. How much time is wasted by dwelling in the past over empty "coulda, woulda shoulda's"? Just have the common sense to not do it again and recognize it as a lesson learned.
I had a nice talk with someone last night about wasted emotion and how all humans are merely artists creating their own image of their life. Behind everyone's eyes is a world. Their world. Their perspective. No one's painted image of life is the same. Some may use similar strokes and similar colors, but it's never the same. I'm learning to not become upset when someone goes against the image that I've painted in my life. It's not their fault, because they've painted their own image and what they did very well may be logical to them. Who am I to say it's right or wrong? I may talk my shit (perhaps call them a circus monkey), frown my nose or I might stop talking to them for a small period of time, but at the end of the day; it's their image vs. my image. Do I let that person being who they are be the cause of me losing sleep at night or not being able to function throughout my day? Heck no! Life is too short for all of that. God did not create us to be the same and this is why he gave each of us our own brains and our own pair of eyes.
Anyone who keeps up with my blog or who considers themselves to be close to me; knows that my constant battle is accepting people. Having no expectations of them and understanding that they are who they are and that is all they will or can be. This has been the hardest thing for me to grasp. I test people and I set standards for them, but they always come up short. They cannot be the image that I paint and it's not fair of me to expect them to be in the first place. Someone whom I've been having a lot of trouble with accepting told me yesterday, "this is who I am, either you deal with it or stop talking to me." I thought about that for a second. I was irritated with that person, because they couldn't seem to hold an organized conversation, they're always bored, and were forever summing me up. I judged this person through my own created image of "perfection". Of course this person was not that. So I had a choice to make. Life is all about acceptance. We accept the things that happen in our lives, we accept the people that walk into our lives and we accept those same people that walk out of our lives for whatever reason. I quoted this before, and I'm doing it again; "It's true that there is conflict, but the conflict is in the human mind and not in the universe."
I can say that I've gotten much better with this whole accepting concept. I believe that God has placed someone in my life that is my ultimate test in this area. I'm tested everyday through this person and I'm learning different techniques in how to handle accepting them for who they are. Not letting my anger and emotions over come me just because they are not what I expect them to be; which is just like me. If I come to the conclusion that I cannot deal with that person and their image, then we both have to accept the fact that we do not fit into each others worlds. Plain and simple right? Righhhtttt.
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First off...I'm aware its 2008...and I have no gay or bipolar tendencies. 60 in a 40 though?? I don't know how laws are there, but in VA that's reckless driving...and driving classes are mandatory. I'm glad that your taking steps to be more accepting of people. I'm a firm believer that certain people are put in your life so that you can learn from them and grow as an individual...
My first ticket, I was clocked at 92 MPH in a 50 MPH zone...
I highly doubt I was going that fast though.
And in my defense, there was no one else on the road, I was on my way to the hospital, and that motorcycle cop just snuck up on me. I am just happy I wasn't charged for reckless driving!!
Acceptance is something that I struggle with with people too. Not so much accepting them, but accepting their flaws, especially if they are different from mine. I have always considered myself to be open-minded, but that is not being open minded.
It sounds like you are going to be alright.