Maxwell - Sumthin' Sumthin' (Mellosmooth Remix)
From the Love Jones Soundtrack
2. What is your drag name?

Probably "Nookie". People call me that anyway. T. Nookie baby!!
3. In the film made of your life, who will play you?
I would have to say Da Brat, because it's no secret that I am a tomboy and a lesbian. I love the fact that she is versatile and can look good either tomboyish or feminine. Yeah baby I rock both sides! Making me an awesome me! One of a kind! Oh and plus she's hot!!!

Shane (Kathering Moeing) from The L Word. This girl has HELLA swagger. She's no lipstick lesbian, but she sure does bang a lot of them! I love this woman. Although she's the wrong skin tone, I think she'd play an awesome ME. Which can be good or bad, loll. Depending on how you look at it.

Queen Latifah!! Another versatile woman. I love her in anything she plays in. Well, I'm lying, because she's played in some wack shit. However, I'd give her a shot at playing me.

Ellen! She's hilarious and her style is impeccable. Who doesn't love Ellen? Say you don't and I'll shoot cha! Ellen gets "hyphy" and I love her!
4. What is one thing that you would change about yourself?

Ugh. Need I say more. Somebody sign me up for the nearest 24 hour fitness with the quickness. 2009 is all I can say. Fuck starting now, I need at least 6 months to mentally prepare. May the force be with me!
5. What's your status message on your preferred networking site?
I don't get on Facebook much. So my status message says "what are you doing now?"
The status message on my Myspace says: "She word hustles is mad that she won't get to see her niece and nephew this summer. Or so it seems". I haven't updated this status in ages either. I guess my Myspace game fell off!! Ah well.
Bring on the next survey! I love doing these!

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Shane from the L word is the definition of swag...are they doing a season 6 to that show????
They ARE doing a season 6!!! I can't wait!
I likes. I truly like how you did this survey.
Thank you!
YAY!! Another fan of the L Word!! That show is off the hook!
I am just mad that the new season doesn't start until NEXT FREAKIN YEAR!!!
Have a great weekend!
**New to blog**
LOL at your facebook status... classic! haha. You havea great blog. I shall be back!