Aug 2008
Well Friday is finally here! That means a nice 3 day weekend! I was so looking forward to this. I still have my vacation time to look forward to as well. Can't wait. It's Ms. Kisses birthday weekend. She doesn't want to do anything. She sucks, I swear, loll. I don't blame her though. We both aren't big on surprise parties and too much attention. So we will probably go out to a nice little club with a good atmosphere. It's so hard to find a nice gay club out here in Houston. Either they are non existent or they are filled with kids that are only gay, because their friend is gay. It sucks. I just want to go to a nice gay hang out, where it isn't too much shoot em' up kill em' music, children, or even 70 yr old lesbians. Now that I think about it; are their any normal gays in Houston that aren't in hiding? Hm, I'll have to do some research on that one.

Aquarius - August 29, 2008
The house might seem rather empty today, dear Aquarius, as most of the other members of your household are probably out and about. This is, however, a good time for you to take care of some projects of your own that you've been putting off. They might be tedious and rather boring, but think of how good you'll feel when they're finally done! In the evening, you might entertain some visitors. Enjoy your day.
Well this weekend I plan to do some cleaning. Go to the store and buy a crap load of cleaning supplies and clean my ass off. It's time that I do so. I can't stand doing it, so I put it off. My apartment isn't filthy or anything, being that I can't sleep in filth or if anything is out of place; I just know I need to give some special attention to some things. I am SO not looking forward to it. I know someone who cleans everyday as if Obama and his family are coming over for dinner. Ugh! I don't see how she does it. Maybe she has an OCD. *Smiles*
This week was pretty long for me. Work is really kicking my ass, but it's the end of the month so all is to be expected. We lose a day of work, because of the holiday. So I'm bitter sweet about having Monday off. I'm busting my ass today to get a lot of stuff done, because all of my deadlines have to be met by the 3rd. Sucks major ass. I really need to hit the lotto, trick some ho's, rob a bank or something; this just isn't cutting it. Got paid today and then turned around and dished all my money out towards rent and bills. We work for the man and then in turn give back to the man. *Slits writs* Ugh! I don't even want to think about it.

I learned a lot about communication this week . I realize that alot of the time when anger overpowers our other emotions, we lose our sense of hearing. We no longer hear the cries of the ones who are trying to communicate with us. In fact, we don't even want to hear them. It is at that very moment, you drown yourself in your own pool of emotions. You see or hear nothing else but what you feel. Your point becomes the only point that should be getting across. It is no longer who is at fault, because both parties aren't listening. You sit and you become angrier because you THINK the right things aren't being said. Oh but they are. No one is listening though. There has been a wall built up in between the two of you and each punch that is taken is only felt by you. You're becoming more numb by the second, until you can't feel anything. Then you sit in silence. No more words are said and no more punches are thrown. The only thing you hear is your own heartbeat slowing down to it's normal pace. The anger is dissolving and that wall is crumbling. This is when your senses come back. You begin to speak as the other person listens and you can see all of the damage that both of you have done. This is where the choices have to be made. And whatever you choose, it's okay, because there is not understanding. Communication is all that was needed. It's all that is ever needed. But when one stops listening the other will soon follow suit. Blah, blah, blah. It usually all happens again and again and again anyway. The fact of the matter is; people change when it's convenient. It's hardly ever permanent.
Well, lunch time is over! I hope everyone has a dope weekend, stays safe and has fun! Lots of fun! Oh and man fuck these hurricanes man. Dodge it if you can.

This is nice. It really is. I never thought I'd see it happen in my lifetime. However, it scares me shitless. My mind state on this whole thing is so much more different than that of the average American.
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you know i have to have a clean house, i dont cant function in anything that is junky sorry!!!
man that last paragraph hit home for me!! Man some of you guys in blog land have a way with words!!
I know exactly what you mean when it comes to anger as it interferes with communication...I've thrown some heavy mental punches out of pure anger and then when my senses come back and I see all the damage that has been done just stand like "wtf"....i'm working on it, but people push me there LOL