Nov 2008

Needless to say, I'm not the "politics as usual" type of woman due to my religious beliefs, but I am however glad to see history in the making like everyone else it seems like. Although I am a firm believer in God's original plan, I still feel that he was the best candidate for office during this time. He has given the country hope, and this is something that Americans have not had for a long time now. As far as major change and all promises brought forth by Obama, I'm not too sure. If he in fact does not deliver, the hope factor will take people a long way I truly believe. Besides, what's life if you don't have faith in some sort of hope in peace? Pretty dreadful, I must say.
I've came across some butthurt people today, because of the recent election. I have a couple co-workers that were McCain all the way! One guy even went as far as telling one of my co-workers that she only voted for Obama, because her boyfriend was black. Hm, with her being Hispanic, this didn't sit too well with her. She did get very offended, but she wasn't able to defend herself. Of course me being right there in ear shot, advised him that it was ignorant comments like what he stated that got Obama the vote. The hope of change. Unfortunately, he won't be able to change ignorance, but hey one can only HOPE right?
I've had some ignorant things being stated by my own people as well today. People who were acting a fool before the election making this the opprotunity to truly act a fool with "Presidential permission." *Sigh* My people stating that the refuse to work for the rest of the week, because their President is black. So since Obama won, this is how you feel...

I've came across some butthurt people today, because of the recent election. I have a couple co-workers that were McCain all the way! One guy even went as far as telling one of my co-workers that she only voted for Obama, because her boyfriend was black. Hm, with her being Hispanic, this didn't sit too well with her. She did get very offended, but she wasn't able to defend herself. Of course me being right there in ear shot, advised him that it was ignorant comments like what he stated that got Obama the vote. The hope of change. Unfortunately, he won't be able to change ignorance, but hey one can only HOPE right?
I've had some ignorant things being stated by my own people as well today. People who were acting a fool before the election making this the opprotunity to truly act a fool with "Presidential permission." *Sigh* My people stating that the refuse to work for the rest of the week, because their President is black. So since Obama won, this is how you feel...

Half of the peole weren't doing shit before Obama even thought about running for President. My ex told me one of her friends stated now that Obama was in office she could say anything she wanted to say. If I'm not mistaken, freedom of speech has been around for quite some time. I mean I could be wrong. You tell me. Bottom line, I am happy about the new edition to our black history, but as usual, some people are taking things way too far. I have a strong feeling that it will only get worse. However at this moment, the hope for change is in front of our faces, so now what?
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i know i aint finna do shit today...
and it aint 'cause "My president is black" or cause "My Lambo (imaginary) is blue" either
its because i got cramps and i always think im dying but ANYWHOO, people got the wrong message when Obama was announced the 44th president of the united states of America.
Instead of the ignorant forty acres and a mule text messages theys hould have been sending messages reading "Now us black americans have got to do much better" messages
this is the reason why white america doesnt want us in their house in the capital because instead of thinking like an intelligent human being we're still thinking like FIELD NIGGERS!
sorry for the longgggg ass comment
P.S. i think Barack can make good on alot of his promises, look what he's done for chicago's school and economic system
they're doing better than when he came to help them out in the 80's
People definitely need to know that about is NOT Jesus... he is not the second coming... and he is NOT our savior... yes we have been blessed in a way that gives so much black people that never thought america could do better and accepted everything that was handed to them, hope that things can get better and that change will soon come, but its definitely not a time to not do anything because the man in office looks like us. Quite frankly its a time for us to stand up and do more.
You are better than me with that co-worker... you were so elegant... I can't say I would have been as nice if that had been me.
power to the people
Its like what i said in my latest blog (a dream too long deferred has now been fulfilled:please read and tell me what u think), just because we have achieved one of our ultimate goals as a people, doesnt mean we should stop here. We cant and should not use this as an excuse to become complacent. It should only inspire us and heighten our thirst to strive for success and achieve our goals. This is just a stepping stone to greater things so to speak. Now we should set new goals for ourselves and reach for the stars (i know its cliche) but yeah we need to do big things and just become better than we are right now. change wont happen over night its just naive to think that. we have to continue to support obama and work hard and we can accomplish great things.
Sorry for the long comment but it had to be said.