Guess who's back and on time!? I'm super happy that it is hump day, because that means I do not have to report any of my dead end jobs in the morning! So this post will have a little bit more
Micalicious lovin' on it, because I am in a great mood. This is rare, so soak it up while you can. I'll be cursing everybody out again next week, so get it while the
gettin' is good. So you already know what it is; College Wednesday, where we summarize 99% of the people whom you'll ever meet in college or in your everyday life. This week we introduce the Music Major and the Newly-Ripe Fruit.

Music Major - One of the more rare species outside of Music Classes, Practice Rooms, and University Symphony Concerts. The MM spends 50% of their time practicing, 25% studying hard/semi-useless classes which require an A to get accepted to their low-paying major, 25% at band practices, and 25% with their music Fraternity/ that 125%? Doesn't matter; MMs party so much that they high school content in their bloodstream causes them to black out and lose that 25%. Tends to only date other music majors because, "only another MM can understand why they have to get to practice 3-4 hours a day." Depending on the instrument, music majors are laid back, but complain that they are working soooo hard to eventually get a salary of $35K a year, but that "I love music sooo much it doesn't matter". Usually makes fun of the Drama Nerds for not being "Real Musicians" and has enough Classical CD's to fill up
I remember my jazz appreciation class, freshman year was in the music building. I use to hate going to that class, because it was at an awkward time on Wednesdays, way across campus. It was no where near my dorm. I use to be pissed every single time. My professor was older than dirt, and it was about 215 kids in this class. The teacher use to actually do a roll call every time. That would knock out half the class period. I would sneak in late behind the tall ass basketball boys through the door at the very top of the class. He couldn't see my 5 foot frame behind those 6 footers, loll. In that building is where the music majors lived though. They spent most of their college years there, on their musical grind. I was never mad at them, because they had ambition. They were actually inspiring to me, to say the least. Some of them were a little nerdy and weird, but they were still good people. I did run into a dude that use to shit, shower, and shave in the music building not too long ago. He's living out in Houston now, and he works in the transportation industry. Not even doing anything with music. I wonder what happened to the rest of those kids.

Newly-Ripe Fruit - This guy's gay! You see, he's only just found out and now he's got to make up for lost time. He may have had a healthy interest in sports, or board games, but no more. He tries, for the sake of decorum, to occasionally talk about things that do not directly involve his gayness, but he is unequal to the struggle, and five or six minutes down the line, the increasingly one-sided conversation has shifted to his multiple fuck buddies, or one of his alarmingly variegated fetishes. You see, just liking cocks isn't enough, that's not gay enough for the Newly-Ripe Fruit to truly express himself. He must round his sexuality out with public discussion of whips or chains, and more often than not he decides he is a furry as well, and won't let it escape anyone's notice. Possibly does more to set back the cause of tolerance than Fred Phelps ever did.
If it's one thing I don't like, its a person who forces their beliefs on you. One who forces their religion on you, their race, and most of all their sexuality. I am a member of the "some people are gay, get over it" movement, but it's something that the entire world will never accept. Just like the entire world won't ever accept black people. But we exist. Being a black, gay woman has been like a triple threat for me, but I've learned not to force any of these things on people. First of all, it's my business and it's kinda rude. The Newly Ripe Fruit, is usually some flamboyant gay dude, that just came out and he wants to shout it from the rooftops. However, everybody is not trying to hear that. The dude is extra, but I can feel him in a sense. Somethings for some people are held in for what seems like a life time. When you're behind that closet door, you can only reveal half of yourself to your friends, family, co-workers, and all people you meet. You never feel like they are meeting the real you. So when that closet door swings open, you no longer give a fuck, and you step make the announcement. Well some people do. Again, mostly the flamboyant gay men. I know a lot of dudes like this though, and it gets to me every time. STOP FORCING YOUR GAY ASS WAYS ON PEOPLE!! I love em' though.
T.Nicole © 2008