My Tuesday Rambles Episode 4
Man, why is everybody taking these long ass blog breaks? Giving goodbye speeches, ending credits and all that good stuff? As soon as I get into someone's blogs, they leave. This is starting to worry me, loll.

I am so glad that this is a short week. I am ready for my Queen Bea to throw down in that kitchen on Thursday!!

It's funny how all of the upper management is quitting their jobs. Not a good look, but I saw all of this coming. When you sell out, you in return, get sold up stream. Now the rest of us are up shit's creek without a paddle.

New management = new rules = lube up and bend over, because you're about to get fucked. Such is life.

So my bestie is thinking about going to Georgia State to work on her PhD. I don't know how I will take her leaving the state. I mean, I'm just so use to her being right here, but since it is for her future, I am supporting her 100%. That just means more travelling for me.

Somebody didn't do their research on who the fuck I was last night, and got besides themselves. I had to lay my verbal Mica smack down on their ass. Lol, don't expect her to call back. Oh well.

I'm really feeling the blogs that I've been reading lately. When I first started, I was kinda bent about nobody ever visiting my spot, and now I actually have followers!! I'm following their asses too, and I'm loving what I'm reading.

Some of these bloggers in Houston need to get together and do with the folks up north are doing. We need to get together.

Houston is so overdeveloped, underestimated and full of potential. I love my city, but it's like big for no reason. Maybe I'm just not exploring enough of my city's options. Gas is down to $1.58 now, so I guess I can hop in my Chevy and just ride out. See what else my city has to offer.

Slim's Cd is kinda good. He has that prison weight gain going on in his face.

Hate Beyonce, Sasha Fierce; whoever the fuck she is trying to be. Hate her. She still fine though.

Love Seal.

My sister is out of her apartment already. She was only there for 3 months, and probably only stayed there twice. She's been staying with one of her friends in our old hood. I just don't get it. Our parents were paying half of her rent for those 3 months, and she wasn't even living there. She claims she is going to pay them back though. Ugh, I don't even wanna speak on it anymore. My prayers will continue to go up for my big sister.

I watched Perfect Holiday for the first time on Sunday, and it was a perfect mess. I hated it. I'm mad that Terrance Howard even wasted his time in the movie. His role in the movie was kinda like how I felt about the movie. LAME!!

Being gay in 2008 sucked ass. I'm not thinking about switching teams or anything, I'm just saying, I wasn't feeling it this year.

I'm jumping on the "turning me on" bandwagon. I love this video and this song. Miss. Keri was stuntin' in this video. And as tired as I am of Lil' Wayne, I liked his verse. I'm suing his ass for jacking my line, "girl you're just an earthling, you ain't never been to Mica's world." Blah, go head though Miss. Keri, and Wayne please retire.

I work with a white lady who looks just like this. No lie. People wonder why I'm so pissy in the mornings. That is the first face that I see when I come into the building at 7:30 am. An albino version of Lil' Kim, will crash anyone's day.

I think it's a man, I'm leaving at that. Seriously.

T.Nicole © 2008

3 Responses
  1. . Says:

    DAMMMMMMMMNNNN mamas went to work on this one....

    my eyebrow is raised && im in awe =]

  2. Lol, I am glad there was some sort of reaction. ;]

  3. WiZ Says:

    would be nice to visit houston one day.

    somebody help beyonce cause that girl going crazy.

    also, its been a while since i heard of lil kim.

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