Nov 2008

What do you consider to be "the American dream"? If I am not mistaken, I had to write a paper on this topic in one of my English classes. The most logical response to that question would be freedom. Americans live to be free and liberated in mind, body and soul. However, I wouldn't just narrow this down to Americans. I would think that all of mankind has the dream to be free. Who wants to be shackled mentally, physically and spiritually? I mean really? Of course there are some countries that are shackling their people in all three categories, but I'm sure that deep down these people do have a dream of being free.
"There are those who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is the American Dream."
- Archibald MacLeish
If Mr. Archibald is indeed an American; how selfish are we to think we are the only ones with such a dream? Freedom is a beautiful dream. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the first Americans to make his dream of freedom public. Why did the people feel Mr. King so much? Because, they lived with the same exact dream inside of them. The liberation of humanity sounds so peaceful and serene doesn't it? We are free to some extent, but there is still a tight grip on all of us. Whether it be the government, the media, society, or your own chains of psychological slavery. We are all still trapped in some way shape or form.
Tomorrow is election day, and we have both candidates promising this and promising that. Can they deliver such freedom, peace and all about change? They can try until they are blue in the face, but this world is in control of one Man, and that's God. No imperfect human will be able to bring about the major change that God has promised His children. This is why my one and only vote is devoted to God, His Son, and the Heavenly Governing body coming forth with God's original plan. Until this happens, Americans, excuse me, the entire world can keep on dreaming. Hold on to the power of hope, because it is hope that keeps us going everyday right? Right.
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