Nov 2008

It's like 1:15 in the morning, and I still have not been to sleep from yesterday's family festivities. I had an excellent day. I kept thinking that it was Sunday, which is our normal day to come out to our parents house. Me and my sister came around noon yesterday. Although my mom doesn't do the holiday thing, she did throw down on an excellent meal. I can't seem to get enough of my Queen Bea's cornbread dressing, and broccoli rice casserole. Oh, and 'my mama biscuits' off the chain too! Besides the bomb food, we had a great day together.
Aside from Thanksgiving day, I have been reminded various times throughout the year that I have a lot to be thankful for. I know that being a human, I put a lot of stress on myself; in turn causing me to take many things for granted. When I sit around crying the lonely cry, the truth of the matter is; I'm never lonely. My friends and family are beautiful, and are here for me 365. With these fine people behind me, I'll never need for anything. Having these people here for me at the lowest points in my life, lifted me right back up to those high points. I'm going to cut this short, because even I can't find the words to express my appreciation for them.
Although this week was short, it was busy as hell. This made me anticipate yesterday even more. I made sure I was on my grind like ever before, just to get to that light at the end of the tunnel. Just like the rest of the world, I was slapped in the face with the fact that I am severely over worked and ridiculously under paid. With all the people dropping out like flies, it'd be great if they can distribute that extra cash into we barrel scrappers bank accounts. That'll never happen though. It's all good though, because my employment is just another thing that I am thankful for, no matter how raw their doing me. Speaking of f'd up situations, I have to work tonight. I am off all day from one job, but have to go to work at 5. I'm not looking forward to that, but I know it'll be laid back. It better be.
I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day and are resting peacefully in LaLa land right now. That's where I'm about to go now. My eyes suddenly feel like a ton of bricks were just placed on them. Ya'll have a great weekend.
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