Mrs. Degree - Misses degree has no real purpose in college except finding "Mr. Degree" majoring in some lucrative field such as computer programming, premed, law, or engineering. Often packed with great looks, a killer body, and half a brain Mrs. Degree has no problem being a mere shadow of her wealthy husband, an is always the first to brag and attempt to start "intelligent conversation" on the career of Mr. Degree. Always on the prowl, you may find Mrs. Degree befriending such characters as the Study Nazi, fucking disgusting C.S major, and the CEO junior.

Muscles McFlaunty - This individual (almost always a guy) has been lifting weights since age 4, and never lets you forget bout it. He goes to the gym twice a day, wears nothing more covering than a wife beater, and constantly twitches his Pecs just to get you to look at his chest. McFlaunty may or may not be otherwise annoying, but it is a known fact that he heats creatine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to increase muscle mass even further; this will result in four different cancers before he is 30. Occasionally, Muscles McFlaunty will have a lisp, in which case, laugh at him.
Muscles McFlaunty better be a guy, because if I saw a woman in person walking around with arms this big, I'd try to fight her no lie. That is horrible. Lmao @ lifting weights since 4 though. No matter what though, this dude always has on a wifebeater 6 times smaller than his actual size. He wears this wifebeater for every occasion. It can be 20 below zero and the dude will put on a hoodie, but as soon as he gets inside where there is heat; off comes the hoodie, and BANG! there goes the muscles. Is it me, or does McFlaunty always have an extremely small head? I wonder what the other head looks like. Mica will never find out. Seriously though, the last season of Big Brother had a guy by the name of Jessie on there. He was Mr. Muscles McFlaunty, always had on small wifebeaters, and his head was the size of a peanut!!! Dude's body was MASSIVE though. Incredible hulk looking dude. But his head....man, I don't wanna talk about it anymore.
Alright, I'm going to bed now. I hope everyone has a goodnight!!

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Ugh, please don't remind me that I DO know people like that...SMH!
That was funny...I haven't noticed a Ms. Degree yet though.
lol, yep, i knew them both...and yes, i can tell you the other head is pin sized, smh! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!
I dont know The dude with the muscles....but the jocks (even though they be skinny) be doing that whole wife beater thing in the winter
I be looking around like ...am i the only one whose cold out here??
and Miss degree runs rampant in southern black colleges ..
Mr. degree who's also a gold/degree digger runs rampant as well ...
Hey there!
That is just hilarious!!!
small heads on average sized bodies scare me. small heads on hulk hogan type bodies thats just deathly.......
Lmao, yes it is pretty scary.