It's like 1:15 in the morning, and I still have not been to sleep from yesterday's family festivities. I had an excellent day. I kept thinking that it was Sunday, which is our normal day to come out to our parents house. Me and my sister came around noon yesterday. Although my mom doesn't do the holiday thing, she did throw down on an excellent meal. I can't seem to get enough of my Queen Bea's cornbread dressing, and broccoli rice casserole. Oh, and 'my mama biscuits' off the chain too! Besides the bomb food, we had a great day together.
Aside from Thanksgiving day, I have been reminded various times throughout the year that I have a lot to be thankful for. I know that being a human, I put a lot of stress on myself; in turn causing me to take many things for granted. When I sit around crying the lonely cry, the truth of the matter is; I'm never lonely. My friends and family are beautiful, and are here for me 365. With these fine people behind me, I'll never need for anything. Having these people here for me at the lowest points in my life, lifted me right back up to those high points. I'm going to cut this short, because even I can't find the words to express my appreciation for them.
Although this week was short, it was busy as hell. This made me anticipate yesterday even more. I made sure I was on my grind like ever before, just to get to that light at the end of the tunnel. Just like the rest of the world, I was slapped in the face with the fact that I am severely over worked and ridiculously under paid. With all the people dropping out like flies, it'd be great if they can distribute that extra cash into we barrel scrappers bank accounts. That'll never happen though. It's all good though, because my employment is just another thing that I am thankful for, no matter how raw their doing me. Speaking of f'd up situations, I have to work tonight. I am off all day from one job, but have to go to work at 5. I'm not looking forward to that, but I know it'll be laid back. It better be.
I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day and are resting peacefully in LaLa land right now. That's where I'm about to go now. My eyes suddenly feel like a ton of bricks were just placed on them. Ya'll have a great weekend.

Newly-Ripe Fruit - This guy's gay! You see, he's only just found out and now he's got to make up for lost time. He may have had a healthy interest in sports, or board games, but no more. He tries, for the sake of decorum, to occasionally talk about things that do not directly involve his gayness, but he is unequal to the struggle, and five or six minutes down the line, the increasingly one-sided conversation has shifted to his multiple fuck buddies, or one of his alarmingly variegated fetishes. You see, just liking cocks isn't enough, that's not gay enough for the Newly-Ripe Fruit to truly express himself. He must round his sexuality out with public discussion of whips or chains, and more often than not he decides he is a furry as well, and won't let it escape anyone's notice. Possibly does more to set back the cause of tolerance than Fred Phelps ever did.
If it's one thing I don't like, its a person who forces their beliefs on you. One who forces their religion on you, their race, and most of all their sexuality. I am a member of the "some people are gay, get over it" movement, but it's something that the entire world will never accept. Just like the entire world won't ever accept black people. But we exist. Being a black, gay woman has been like a triple threat for me, but I've learned not to force any of these things on people. First of all, it's my business and it's kinda rude. The Newly Ripe Fruit, is usually some flamboyant gay dude, that just came out and he wants to shout it from the rooftops. However, everybody is not trying to hear that. The dude is extra, but I can feel him in a sense. Somethings for some people are held in for what seems like a life time. When you're behind that closet door, you can only reveal half of yourself to your friends, family, co-workers, and all people you meet. You never feel like they are meeting the real you. So when that closet door swings open, you no longer give a fuck, and you step out...you make the announcement. Well some people do. Again, mostly the flamboyant gay men. I know a lot of dudes like this though, and it gets to me every time. STOP FORCING YOUR GAY ASS WAYS ON PEOPLE!! I love em' though.
T.Nicole © 2008

So my bestie is thinking about going to Georgia State to work on her PhD. I don't know how I will take her leaving the state. I mean, I'm just so use to her being right here, but since it is for her future, I am supporting her 100%. That just means more travelling for me.
Somebody didn't do their research on who the fuck I was last night, and got besides themselves. I had to lay my verbal Mica smack down on their ass. Lol, don't expect her to call back. Oh well.
I'm really feeling the blogs that I've been reading lately. When I first started, I was kinda bent about nobody ever visiting my spot, and now I actually have followers!! I'm following their asses too, and I'm loving what I'm reading.
Some of these bloggers in Houston need to get together and do with the folks up north are doing. We need to get together.

Houston is so overdeveloped, underestimated and full of potential. I love my city, but it's like big for no reason. Maybe I'm just not exploring enough of my city's options. Gas is down to $1.58 now, so I guess I can hop in my Chevy and just ride out. See what else my city has to offer.

Hate Beyonce, Sasha Fierce; whoever the fuck she is trying to be. Hate her. She still fine though.
Love Seal.
My sister is out of her apartment already. She was only there for 3 months, and probably only stayed there twice. She's been staying with one of her friends in our old hood. I just don't get it. Our parents were paying half of her rent for those 3 months, and she wasn't even living there. She claims she is going to pay them back though. Ugh, I don't even wanna speak on it anymore. My prayers will continue to go up for my big sister.
I watched Perfect Holiday for the first time on Sunday, and it was a perfect mess. I hated it. I'm mad that Terrance Howard even wasted his time in the movie. His role in the movie was kinda like how I felt about the movie. LAME!!
Being gay in 2008 sucked ass. I'm not thinking about switching teams or anything, I'm just saying, I wasn't feeling it this year.

I work with a white lady who looks just like this. No lie. People wonder why I'm so pissy in the mornings. That is the first face that I see when I come into the building at 7:30 am. An albino version of Lil' Kim, will crash anyone's day.
I think it's a man, I'm leaving at that. Seriously.
T.Nicole © 2008

From North and South, come the pilgrim and guest,
When the gray-haired New Englander sees round his board
The old broken links of affection restored,
When the care-wearied man seeks his mother once more,
And the worn matron smiles where the girl smiled before.
What moistens the lips and what brightens the eye?
What calls back the past, like the rich pumpkin pie?
- John Greenleaf Whittier, ""The Pumpkin""
So I'll officially be hanging out with the family come Thursday. Getting full and sleepy. I can't wait. I'll be miserable come Friday, I'm sure. I hope everyone had a great weekend. This is a short week for most, so enjoy it!!
Of course, everyday that goes by in our lives we learn something new. Either about ourselves, our friends, or our family. Life just brings on new beginnings everyday. I mean if your life doesn't do that for you; you're a boring cuntbag, period. I mean a person who is truly living, never stops learning, ya dig? "So while you were hanging out, down the street, doing the same ol' thing that you did last week. I was off inside the lab knittin' my speech. All you haters do is sleep, ya'll can rest in peace." That's right, I'm a Cool Kid, and this is why I do these weekly re-caps, just to go over all that I've learned during the course of my hectic work weeks. My life is nothing less than interesting, as a lot of people's whose blogs I tap into as well. All you folks are interesting to say the least.
This week I have realized that I have some ride or die folks in my life man. I mean, I can put a person through hell and back. I'm a beast with it, seriously. However, there was one person who I never thought would last this long in the world of Mica. She is holding on strong, I mean like the last woman standing. DeeJay is doing her thing man. She is making me focus on her and only her, even when I don¢t want to. Sometimes, I feel bad, because I am like super jerkish to this girl, and she brushes it off like it's nothing and she keeps talking to my horrible ass. This week, I have learned to let my guard down with her. She has been doing all of this hollering for almost 2 years, and I've finally slowed down to actually make out what she's saying. I just always thought shortie had a problem saying bye bye, which 2Pac said is just another hazard of being a fly guy. Well, I'm kinda glad she hasn't said bye bye; I sorta dig her. You didn't hear that from me though. So shout out to DeeJay. Go DeeJay!! That's my DeeJay! ;]
I also found out that my bestie is being laid off come March '09. I have really admired how strong she is being, and positive about the whole thing. She has come along way as we've grown up into our adulthood. I was so proud of her when she got this job and stuck with it for over a year. She rode it until the wheels fell off. She always has a plan, and I'm not worried about the fact that she won't be employed, because she is already on her grind in finding another job. She graduates from college next month, and she is about to hit the ground running. That's my ride or die friend, and anybody who sleeps on her, including the company that is letting her go, are damn fools. She is the queen of million dollar plans and ideas, and when that window or door of opportunity opens; she'll be laughing at all those clowns on her way to the bank.
It's common sense that if we want to hold on to something, we must take care of it. Take responsibility and do what we need to do to hold things together. So, if I'm going to ride something until the wheels fall off, I must make sure that I do all I can do to hold that sucker tight so that those wheels won't even think about falling off for years and years and years to come. I can't say I have been doing that with my job. It has becoming harder and harder to keep my head in this whole customer service part-time gig. I have been slacking big time. We had a team meeting yesterday, and they are really cracking the whip on people not "thinking customer first". Ugh! It's hard being a person like me, who genuinely doesn't give a fuck, trying to play the role as a representative that genuinely cares. So in order to ride this job until the wheels fall off, I need to get my act right. I am under new supervision now, and I think things will get better, because she seems to be a pretty good one. We shall see.
So now I have the weekend to regroup myself and get ready for another week come Monday. I do hope that everyone has a great weekend. Whatever you have your heart in, working hard on, shooting your prayers up in the name of; ride that sucker until the wheels fall off!
Mica. Nookie; the alias

Mrs. Degree - Misses degree has no real purpose in college except finding "Mr. Degree" majoring in some lucrative field such as computer programming, premed, law, or engineering. Often packed with great looks, a killer body, and half a brain Mrs. Degree has no problem being a mere shadow of her wealthy husband, an is always the first to brag and attempt to start "intelligent conversation" on the career of Mr. Degree. Always on the prowl, you may find Mrs. Degree befriending such characters as the Study Nazi, fucking disgusting C.S major, and the CEO junior.

Muscles McFlaunty - This individual (almost always a guy) has been lifting weights since age 4, and never lets you forget bout it. He goes to the gym twice a day, wears nothing more covering than a wife beater, and constantly twitches his Pecs just to get you to look at his chest. McFlaunty may or may not be otherwise annoying, but it is a known fact that he heats creatine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to increase muscle mass even further; this will result in four different cancers before he is 30. Occasionally, Muscles McFlaunty will have a lisp, in which case, laugh at him.
Muscles McFlaunty better be a guy, because if I saw a woman in person walking around with arms this big, I'd try to fight her no lie. That is horrible. Lmao @ lifting weights since 4 though. No matter what though, this dude always has on a wifebeater 6 times smaller than his actual size. He wears this wifebeater for every occasion. It can be 20 below zero and the dude will put on a hoodie, but as soon as he gets inside where there is heat; off comes the hoodie, and BANG! there goes the muscles. Is it me, or does McFlaunty always have an extremely small head? I wonder what the other head looks like. Mica will never find out. Seriously though, the last season of Big Brother had a guy by the name of Jessie on there. He was Mr. Muscles McFlaunty, always had on small wifebeaters, and his head was the size of a peanut!!! Dude's body was MASSIVE though. Incredible hulk looking dude. But his head....man, I don't wanna talk about it anymore.
Alright, I'm going to bed now. I hope everyone has a goodnight!!

Cadillac Records

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
- Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775
**horrible photos, I know. Taken from my Sidekick ;[**
One of the things we spoke about in the meeting was black people and our pride. I mentioned that I feel that black people have pride in the wrong things. We have pride in our rides, our big homes, our flashy jewelry, and all things adding up to great material value, but we seem to have no pride in our history. Part of the reason why we opted to have this meeting and call it The Black Experience, was to get more in touch with our past. Our individual pasts. How did we get to where we are today? Do we truly understand where we came from? Perhaps if we confirmed and understood our past we could develop some real pride to hold on to.
".. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
I wonder what the exact number is of the people who died for freedom. Died for speaking their mind. Died for the safety of their family. Died for the compensation they earned. Died for their last name. Died for the color of their skin. Do you have pride in those who have died for your freedom? I do, because as I strolled through that exhibit I realized just how far we've come, but also how far we still have to go. I couldn't even imagine living back in those times. I couldn't imagine being caged for days on end, because I tried to shield my children from pain. I couldn't imagine being shackled by the feet, neck and hands while red ants were poured at my feet to eat me alive. It was those same men and women who dies these horrible deaths that had pride in something more deep than one could imagine. It were these same men and women who said, "give me liberty, or give me death!"

Bernie Mac
Samuel L. Jackson
Sharon Leal
Issac Hayes
Though it's been some twenty years since they have spoken with one another, two estranged soul-singing legends agree to participate in a reunion performance at the Apollo Theater to honor their recently deceased band leader.
I can't lie and say I was actually interested in this movie. I really wanted to see Bernie Mac and Issac Hayes last works. I felt the concept of the movie was a bit cheesy for Samuel and Bernie. It was funny nonetheless, because I love the way these men curse. I know that's bad, but every time the word "muthafucka" was said, I was cracking up.
I did like the songs in the movie, and am thinking about buying the soundtrack. I heard it was banging. After I got over the polyester suits with ruffles, and Samuel's perm, I started to get more into the movie.
I did cry during a scene with Bernie and Issac. It wasn't a sad scene, just the fact that they are no longer with us touched me a tad bit. Rest in peace to both of those brothas, because they have truly enteretained us over the years. Needless to say, the film was dedicated to both of them, and I enjoyed the mini tribute that was done in the outakes during the ending credits.
T.Nicole rates this film with 3 stars!!!
Shrine of the Black Madonna
5309 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Houston, TX 77021
I've learned this month to start listening to my heart more. My mind seems to be full of excuses that my heart is having a hard time battling. The wool seems to be over my mind's eye, and I need to remove it quickly before something drastic happens in my life. I'll be up shit's creek without a paddle then. I'm not in the mood for all that, loll. I think I'll take this weekend ahead to do some meditating and regrouping. I need to map out a plan on the things that my heart has been telling me to do for the past few years. Completing my novel, eating healthier, working out, furnishing my home, decorating, saving more money, going back to church, reading the bible, and just becoming a better me; the me that I know I can be. It's time for an annual Mica upgrade. So, I need to see if I can get to some type of compromise with my mind. Hell, my mind has a mind of it's own, so my work is cut out for me, loll.
I hope to find my sister this weekend at some point, so that we may make our regular visit to the parent's house this weekend. I miss my Queen Bea ya'll. It sucks majorly not having her at work, and being able to see her everyday. She is so happy about her new job, and is loving every minute of her now stress free life. I can't wait to see her in person so that she can share more stories with me on her new journey in life. So Sunday, that's where I'll be all day after I leave the nail shop. So nothing, big this weekend, other than The Black Experience meeting tomorrow. Plain and simple living, just how I like it. Ya'll have a good one.
Mica. Nookie, the alias.

Mr. Touchy Feely - Usually male, and often a variant of the creepy stalker. Likes to keep a hand on you at all times, especially if you are romantically involved. Hasn't yet decided if he's gay, but definitely hasn't proven his straightness either.
Ugh, please get your hands off me. I for one have never liked to be touched by people I was not extremely close with. Sooooo that left NOBODY TOUCHING ME! People don't wash their asses, let alone their hands. I work with enough sick muthafuckas to prove that one. I did go to school with a dude like this though. He could not speak to you with out laying his hands on you. It wasn't ever a light touch, but a caress. Why was this dude randomly caressing me in class?! Like why could he not have said what he had to say from over there? Did he have to make his point clear by twirling his fingers through my hair?! I made a mistake in giving him a hug one day, because the dude was not bad looking, I just didn't feel like being caressed every damn day. I gave him this hug expecting it to end in like 1 second. He held me like it was our honeymoon night after the newly wed sex. I mean straight up embraced my ass SOFTLY! AHHHH!! He did this to all the girls though. Now, that dude was Mr. Touchy Feely, hands down!
Mr. Uncertainty - Mr. Uncertainty isn't rally that bad a guy to have class with; as he's virtually guaranteed never to disrupt the class proceedings. Even when the teacher asks him a question directly, he'll attempt to deflect it through a magical combination of stuttering, fumbling, and vague sentences that trail off in the middle. He probably doesn't take very good notes, but he's there every day in hopes of making up for the fact. he probably has at least two majors and a third concentration that he's considering, but it's all perpetually up in the air since he doesn't really know what he wants to do. Because of this, you'll almost never see him in an advanced level class, since he's always going back and satisfying the core requirements for a different major.
Dude is super annoying, that's all I'm going to say.
Yeah, if you haven't figured it out by now, it's Thursday. A day late and a dollor short. Story of my fuckin' life kid!
Super proud of my other friend for making the decision of chunking the deuce. I hope that where she is heading next treats her a little bit better. I'm sure it will.

T-Pain's cd comes out today. Thr33 Rings. Even though, he looks like a damn fool, I actually want to hear the cd. I'll be downloading it to my iPod tonight.
I wish my best friend wouldn't take on the junk in other peoples lives. She spends too much time worrying about why other folks aren't doing what they need to be doing. As long as she has her shit together, that¢s all that matters.
I have been spending too much time in the Ebony Gay Lesbian chat room on AOL. I believe it's time to take my annual 6 month hiatus. I know the same clowns will be in there on my return.
Kenny Latimore looks like some sort of creature in his new video. However the man can SANG his ass off.
It's hard to tell if a man is gay or straight now days, with the new dances out in Texas. They are twisting more than the females.

I need to rebuild my wardrobe. I cross-dress, loll, so I need two wardrobes. My tom boy apparel and my feminine apparel.
Deejay says she's coming down in January with her cousins. I'm not getting my hopes up on that just yet. She's been saying she'd be out here for as long as I've known her. It's almost been 2 years. She's done a lot of growing up since then too. I just anticipate to see what my reaction will be towards her when I see her in person.
Jamaica ain't shit. She wasn't shit last week, and still ain't shit this week.
I think I have a new neighbor. Some young white dude that drives this humongous truck. He should not be allowed to park that mess underneath the car port. I can hardly maneuver my little Chevy around it when I get home at night, let alone GET OUT OF THE CAR without squeezing the life out of myself!
I'm still waiting on White Lines to be delivered so I can suffer through this read for next month's book club questions.
This day is going by super slow, and I hope it picks up soon. I'd like to get home, post this shit, and go to sleep!

I can't lie, the barber has skills. I would be mad as hell though if I saw this young man, dressed nicely in his business suit, well spoken, and then he turns around and I see this carved in the back of his head.

Now the fact that the person taking this picture told this dude that this was a cute pose kills me. On an air condition unit though? Really? He has a ring on his finger, it is probably his wife taking the photo.

It could just be me, but is one hanging lower than the other? Either way this is wrong on so many levels.

Another voter for change.

Speechless again.

Now this one really made me laugh my ass off. Is that a box cube television? Lmaooo!!!! You know what though? I would play it, just to see how ridiculous it really looks in person.

Lmaooo!! I'm sure the lines are hanging out the drive way for this $2 treat.


I've seen this dude on Facebook, and he's a raper I believe. Lmao!!!

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