Jul 2008

James McAvoy - Wes Gibson
Morgan Freeman - Sloan
Angelina Jolie - Fox
Terence Stamp - Pekwar
Thomas Kretschmann
Common - The Gunsmith

I don't think any other woman could've played this role like Angelina. I haven't kept up with all of her movies, but she seems to look the same in all of them for the most part. Besides Tomb Raider; she finally snagged another role to fit her. The woman has mad sex appeal. Women and men; gay or straight recognize this.

The special effects sort of reminded me of the Matrix. Who didn't love the special effects in that movie? Some things looked a little faked and extremely animated, but they were good nonetheless. Thoroughly I enjoyed the movie and I would actually go to see it again. If you're really not into action and killing; you won't like the movie. Check it out anyway.

A Fraternity of Assassins
T. Nicole rates this movie with 4 stars!
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dangit! didnt really read because i'm going to see it soon...