High-Schooler - Typically a girl and a Freshman. Spends most of her time stereotyping hall mates, classmates, and other acquaintances based on what cliques they would have belonged to in her high school. Her favorite hobby is badmouthing these people because 'in HIGH SCHOOL' she would never have associated with them. She also enjoys critiquing and complaining about every aspect of college which is 'different' from her high school experience.
3 words; LET IT GO! I know quite a few girls with this "I'm stuck in my high school years" mentality. They relate every single thing back to what they would've done in high school in a specific situation. When I was in college there were lots of chicks like this, but now that I'm 24 years old; I'm STILL seeing girls like this. Why are you over 21 and still discussing people in high school and what happened to who back then. Who cares? Life went the hell on, can we not go back? I mean don’t get me wrong; I thoroughly enjoyed my high school years and from time to time I speak to ones I graduated with, but we talk about current events and adult things. We're not planning trips back to the old school to roam the halls and harass our now 70 yr old teachers from back in the day. It's sad that for some people, life as they once knew it ended back in high school.

Love is in the air and wedding bells are ringing! This is what is in the high school sweethearts heads when they step foot on their college campus for the very first time hand in hand. They strategically planned on applying for the same school and enrolling in the same classes. They are inseparable and life couldn't get any better. Together forever! There is a ring pop on both their wedding band fingers; strawberry for her and sour apple for him. Oh he has plans on buying is bride to be a real ring some day; he just has to work overtime at the Chili's right next door to their cozy one bedroom off campus apartment. Oh and she said she would help out too, because she also works at Chili's and will be contributing funds to their happy little lives. This is beautiful. Until one day the husband to be is taken out for a night on the small little college town. His new buddies introduce him to some of the sorority and frat parties. This is where it goes down! Husband to be walks in the spot and the smell of fresh pussy assaults his nostrils and here comes Ms. New Booty being the bad bitch she is. She winks at him and her shoulder lightly brushes his as she passes. The sour apple ring pop on his finger has suddenly melted and is now dripping down his hand. He is in a new found heaven and wondering where all these new women have been hiding all of his life.
He forgets about his bride to be paitiently waiting up for her man in their cozy apartment. He's now dancing the night away with one woman in front of him and one behind him; dick hard enough to split a brick in half. His new found heaven soon turns into hell when he finally makes it home that night. "What am I doing?" he thinks. "I have to stay with her for the rest of my life?" Here comes the doubts, and soon thereafter (with the inspiration from a stripper or two) comes the end of that never ending love. Poor girl was blind swipped and will hate men forever. Now she's a lesbian, lmao! Just kidding. Well, if she is and you know her; tell her to call me. *winks*
Alright I know I'm a day late with this and I said I would never post college Wednesday on a Thursday again, but I lied. I meant to post yesterday, so my fault totally. Thanks for reading; especially those who have been doing so over the past 5 months. See ya'll next week.

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