Jul 2008
Damn, it seems like it was Friday just 20 minutes ago, and now here we are back again on Monday. Days, weeks, months and years are running into one another, it seems and it's a bit hard to keep up. Goodness, I see why old people forget what day it is. I told someone yesterday that it was Saturday, not realizing that I had to be back in the office this morning. So here I am. I had a pretty good weekend and had great time spending it with family and friends.
So, getting to the point at hand. I realized this weekend that I was not quite finished swapping out the worthless people in my life. I've tried this patience thing, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. Having patience for young minded, common sense lacking, spacey, world class fuck-ups seems to be impossible for me. I gave the benefit of the doubt, because I realize that young people are a little unsure of themselves and some even have trouble forming complete sentences let alone a complete thought, but goodness. I lowered the bar for some and they still tripped over that muthafucka and fell flat on their faces. Poor things were in over their heads with this one. I had a talk with my big sister yesterday while sitting down at dinner and she told me to stop wasting my time on these worthless people who can't bring anything to the table. If all they are bringing are chewed up Barbie-doll heads and half empty Libby's juicy juice boxes; I can't really expect them to be on the same page as I am. Not even in the same book, hell they might not even be able to read yet for all I know. So from here on out, I vow to stop playing the role of the teacher for these kids and await for a person to finally come and teach me something. I salute the world class fuck-ups and I wish you well on your endeavors. Strap on your helmets and try not to run into any walls in your journeys. Act like you know me and quote that in your blog baby, peace.
Alright so everyone who knows me and knows me well, knows that I have a problem with grown people being bored with life, grown people needing their insecurities baby-sat, grown people needing to be validated, grown people having no nitch in life, grown people having no ambition and grown people being down right full of shit. Now for the kids 21 and younger I let slide with this, because they might not know any better; even them I can't deal with in my life and this is why I had to swap em' out. Tell them to call me when they grow up; get some confidence, set some goals and obtain that mental swagger. I know some very intelligent grown people whom are quite knowledgeable, but yet still ignorant. You have all this knowledge, but aren't putting any of it into action, still sitting around not knowing what to do in life and searching for someone to entertain you. This is a sad case. There is too much one can learn and be entertained with just by stepping out their front door. "The world brought me to my knees. What have you brung you? Did you improve on the design? Did you do something new? Well your name ain't on the guest list. Who brung you?" Open your minds people and stop depending on others for every damn thing. Learn how to take out the trash and stop approaching people with that stench and maybe, just maybe they'll stick around longer. Your funk is turning people off and running them away; get your mind right.
So I've had enough amusement for the past couple of months and the curtains are closing on some of these folks. Time to hold auditions for new acts and hopefully I can take some of these out on the road with me. So just like Jeezy, I'm swappin' em' out.
At what point do you realize that a person isn't cut to handle being in your life? What is your turn off point? When do you swap em' out?
So, getting to the point at hand. I realized this weekend that I was not quite finished swapping out the worthless people in my life. I've tried this patience thing, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. Having patience for young minded, common sense lacking, spacey, world class fuck-ups seems to be impossible for me. I gave the benefit of the doubt, because I realize that young people are a little unsure of themselves and some even have trouble forming complete sentences let alone a complete thought, but goodness. I lowered the bar for some and they still tripped over that muthafucka and fell flat on their faces. Poor things were in over their heads with this one. I had a talk with my big sister yesterday while sitting down at dinner and she told me to stop wasting my time on these worthless people who can't bring anything to the table. If all they are bringing are chewed up Barbie-doll heads and half empty Libby's juicy juice boxes; I can't really expect them to be on the same page as I am. Not even in the same book, hell they might not even be able to read yet for all I know. So from here on out, I vow to stop playing the role of the teacher for these kids and await for a person to finally come and teach me something. I salute the world class fuck-ups and I wish you well on your endeavors. Strap on your helmets and try not to run into any walls in your journeys. Act like you know me and quote that in your blog baby, peace.
Alright so everyone who knows me and knows me well, knows that I have a problem with grown people being bored with life, grown people needing their insecurities baby-sat, grown people needing to be validated, grown people having no nitch in life, grown people having no ambition and grown people being down right full of shit. Now for the kids 21 and younger I let slide with this, because they might not know any better; even them I can't deal with in my life and this is why I had to swap em' out. Tell them to call me when they grow up; get some confidence, set some goals and obtain that mental swagger. I know some very intelligent grown people whom are quite knowledgeable, but yet still ignorant. You have all this knowledge, but aren't putting any of it into action, still sitting around not knowing what to do in life and searching for someone to entertain you. This is a sad case. There is too much one can learn and be entertained with just by stepping out their front door. "The world brought me to my knees. What have you brung you? Did you improve on the design? Did you do something new? Well your name ain't on the guest list. Who brung you?" Open your minds people and stop depending on others for every damn thing. Learn how to take out the trash and stop approaching people with that stench and maybe, just maybe they'll stick around longer. Your funk is turning people off and running them away; get your mind right.
So I've had enough amusement for the past couple of months and the curtains are closing on some of these folks. Time to hold auditions for new acts and hopefully I can take some of these out on the road with me. So just like Jeezy, I'm swappin' em' out.
At what point do you realize that a person isn't cut to handle being in your life? What is your turn off point? When do you swap em' out?
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