Jul 2008
I was thinking about what I would write about this week and the word honor came to. I was pushing thoughts through my mind about how one becomes honorable. I know a lot of people that do things for attention or falsely just to impress someone, but does this make that person honorable? Or can one say that they are honorable all on their own? The answer is HELL NO to both questions. Honor is, on its objective side, other people's opinion of what we are worth; on its subjective side, it is the respect we pay to this opinion.
We can't be honorable on our own, because it's determined by someone else's opinion if we should be credited for such noble acts or not, if we will be famous, when our fame ends and the amount of respect we get for all things. By and in himself a man can accomplish very little; he is like Robinson Crusoe on a desert island. It is only in society that a man's powers can be called into full activity. But we all know that in the end its up to One to determine just how honorable we truly are here on earth.
Nothing in life gives a man so much courage as the attainment or renewal of the conviction that other people regard him with favor; because it means that everyone joins to give him help and protection, which is an infinitely stronger bulwark against the ills of life than anything he can do himself.
- Arthur Schopenhauer, " Position, IV "
To stand firm to your beliefs and have another recognize such acts is proved to be honorable. Backing down from your supposedly firm beliefs will be viewed as shameful. I feel the acts that take place before being named as honorable should come naturally. They should not be scripted in your head, but free flowing. How many people do you know that do things just to get arise out of others? Just to get that 15 minutes of fame? It's like watching Nick Cannon in ANY movie or sitting in the audience of ANY one of his stand-up comedic acts; you can just tell that he is trying his HARDEST to get a laugh out of people. It's not natural; it's down right wack! Does anyone find Nick Cannon's and Mariah Carey's bogus marriage honorable? Hell no, we take it to be a joke and people forgot about it right after it was announced. We all said our "what the fucks" and moved on in life. Shame vs. Honor; a decision of the people.
I give honorable mentions to people like my family: my beautiful; independent mother, my strong willed father, my enlightening sister, and my courageous grandmother. In my opinion these people are honorable and I'm honored to have the same blood running through my veins as they do. So one must give their debut to society before being named honorable. This must done sincerely and in the most humble spirit or it will not be authentic, and you will shame yourself and the people around you.
We can't be honorable on our own, because it's determined by someone else's opinion if we should be credited for such noble acts or not, if we will be famous, when our fame ends and the amount of respect we get for all things. By and in himself a man can accomplish very little; he is like Robinson Crusoe on a desert island. It is only in society that a man's powers can be called into full activity. But we all know that in the end its up to One to determine just how honorable we truly are here on earth.
Nothing in life gives a man so much courage as the attainment or renewal of the conviction that other people regard him with favor; because it means that everyone joins to give him help and protection, which is an infinitely stronger bulwark against the ills of life than anything he can do himself.
- Arthur Schopenhauer, " Position, IV "
To stand firm to your beliefs and have another recognize such acts is proved to be honorable. Backing down from your supposedly firm beliefs will be viewed as shameful. I feel the acts that take place before being named as honorable should come naturally. They should not be scripted in your head, but free flowing. How many people do you know that do things just to get arise out of others? Just to get that 15 minutes of fame? It's like watching Nick Cannon in ANY movie or sitting in the audience of ANY one of his stand-up comedic acts; you can just tell that he is trying his HARDEST to get a laugh out of people. It's not natural; it's down right wack! Does anyone find Nick Cannon's and Mariah Carey's bogus marriage honorable? Hell no, we take it to be a joke and people forgot about it right after it was announced. We all said our "what the fucks" and moved on in life. Shame vs. Honor; a decision of the people.
I give honorable mentions to people like my family: my beautiful; independent mother, my strong willed father, my enlightening sister, and my courageous grandmother. In my opinion these people are honorable and I'm honored to have the same blood running through my veins as they do. So one must give their debut to society before being named honorable. This must done sincerely and in the most humble spirit or it will not be authentic, and you will shame yourself and the people around you.
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LOL @ your sister. I feel your pain girl, my younger sister is quite the character in the theater too. Instead of gum though, she will throw pennies at people. Yes girl, pennies. She will do that in the car too when people are driving slow or doing stupid things... as we pass, she will chuck a penny at them.
Needless to say, we don't hang out as often as we used to.
Wasn't that movie the best? I am glad that you were able to see it and enjoy it.
Lmaooo @ throwing pennies at people. I won't give that idea to my sister.