Jul 2008

The most anticipated film of the summer. The Dark Knight. I was going to wait and go see it this weekend, but my sister talked me into going to see it yesterday. Every single show was sold out and we finally snagged two seats for a 9:50pm show. The line was wrapped the entire upstairs level. Not an empty seat left in the house. Me and my sister managed to get a couple of good seats without being way at the top or way at the bottom stretching our necks.
I had never heard a movie theatre so quiet when the movie finally started. I was insanely into it the first minute of it. I love an action packed film and I have always been a lover of Batman. I followed the series, the cartoon and all of the movies. I still don't think any Batman tops the acting of Val K and no joker tops Jack Nick.

Heath Ledger did and excellent job playing the Joker. I feel that he brought in a whole new demeanor to the character. It was just down right GREAT acting. I hate that he is not alive to see what could be an Academy Award winning film on the big screen.
Christian Bale
Heath Ledger
Aaron Eckhart
Michael Cain
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Gary Oldman
Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox
Heath Ledger
Aaron Eckhart
Michael Cain
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Gary Oldman
Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox

For a minute I almost forgot the movie was about Batman though. The Joker made the movie exciting. Yes, people love hero movies, but we can't get enough of a well played villain either. The other actors that played in this movie, did great as well. There is something I want to spill, but I won't go too much into the movie. I do suggest that everyone go check it out. If you've always been a Batman fan, you won't be disappointed.
R.I.P Heath Ledger
April 4, 1979 - January 22, 2008
T. Nicole rates A Dark Night with 5 Stars!!
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i saw it as well.
heath did an excellent job. he brought a certain demented psychosis to the joker that wasn't there before. even the little neuroses like the constant licking of the lips, added to the character.
and i SOOOO saw the twist coming. i kept telling my sister... she didn't see it until it happened. lol.
i think michael keaton is my fav batman. the original.
and i really liked katie holmes in the last one.
overall this was good though. very good.
I am most definitely going to check it out...even before your review, which was excellent i might add, i was going to see it. I have followed the Batman series from the beginning and i am loving this darkside.