Jul 2008
Friday, Friday, Friday!! It's sort of been a long week for me. I felt like Friday would never arrive, but here we meet again and I'm grateful. No traumatic incidents happened this week, as far as work is concerned. I did learn a lot this week though. I never blogged on the quote of the week, but I'm going to share it now. Mentally, it has guided me through the week.
"If you think about disaster, you will get it. Brood about death and you hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience."
- Edward Rickenbacker
Think positive thoughts and positive outcomes will follow; point blank. Think negative thoughts and disaster will follow; plain and simple. Walking in my shoes isn't always the easiest task and I know most people can say that about themselves, but it all plays out in how we handle every situation and how we take things. I've mastered the task of flipping the script and finding that speck of light in all f'd up situations.
This week I've been called out of my name, critically judged by people who do not know me, ignorantly summed up by people who are getting to know me, ignored, blown off, inconsiderately forced into one-sided conversations, slapped in the face with the double standard stick and thrown into a steaming vat of assumptions; making an ass of me and those assuming people. I could have grown bitter over all of these things just listed, but why would I do that? Why would I give people and situations the power to control me? That only makes matters worse. The script was flipped, everything was taken in stride and I rolled with all left hooks swung at me. I'm still on top and I'm still a mystery to those attempting to sum me up. You can't predict the unpredictable. And I can't control the inevitable; in which I have truly learned this week.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
An odd juxtaposition between knowing what you want and doing what others expect can tilt your day into the twilight zone. You might not fully understand what's going on if you try to intellectualize every interaction, yet letting go of your need to know what's right should loosen things up significantly. Forget about logical analysis; just follow your instincts and they will lead you in the right direction.
Hm, good pointers. I think I'll actually take heed to these words. I do tend to over analyze every situation and intellectualize every interaction. This hasn't always been positive for me. In fact, it usually leaves me the only one caring about the situation at hand. Loll, I'm sick of caring to be honest. I'm sick of being held accountable for the mistakes that others have made in the past. I'm not those people. I genuinely care, but for those who want to keep making me out to be the bad guy; I'll be that and stop caring. Insecurity is a muthafucka man. It effects everyone around you and everyone you interact with. So let me flip that script and stop trying to prove myself to these people and working so hard to hop over the Great Wall of China built up around whom folks truly are. It's obviously not the time for the gates to open. I'm not Tom Cruise and this isn't Mission Impossible. Sum that up.
Okay, so I might've gone left field with that last paragraph, but I caught a word! Forgive me. So for this day I pray that I listen to my instincts and let them guide me in the right direction. Along with the help of wisdom, faith, strength, understanding and peace. With that said, I wish all a wonderful weekend ahead. It'll be a weekend of cleaning, relaxing and shopping for me. Can't wait; peace ya'll.
"If you think about disaster, you will get it. Brood about death and you hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience."
- Edward Rickenbacker
Think positive thoughts and positive outcomes will follow; point blank. Think negative thoughts and disaster will follow; plain and simple. Walking in my shoes isn't always the easiest task and I know most people can say that about themselves, but it all plays out in how we handle every situation and how we take things. I've mastered the task of flipping the script and finding that speck of light in all f'd up situations.
This week I've been called out of my name, critically judged by people who do not know me, ignorantly summed up by people who are getting to know me, ignored, blown off, inconsiderately forced into one-sided conversations, slapped in the face with the double standard stick and thrown into a steaming vat of assumptions; making an ass of me and those assuming people. I could have grown bitter over all of these things just listed, but why would I do that? Why would I give people and situations the power to control me? That only makes matters worse. The script was flipped, everything was taken in stride and I rolled with all left hooks swung at me. I'm still on top and I'm still a mystery to those attempting to sum me up. You can't predict the unpredictable. And I can't control the inevitable; in which I have truly learned this week.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
An odd juxtaposition between knowing what you want and doing what others expect can tilt your day into the twilight zone. You might not fully understand what's going on if you try to intellectualize every interaction, yet letting go of your need to know what's right should loosen things up significantly. Forget about logical analysis; just follow your instincts and they will lead you in the right direction.
Hm, good pointers. I think I'll actually take heed to these words. I do tend to over analyze every situation and intellectualize every interaction. This hasn't always been positive for me. In fact, it usually leaves me the only one caring about the situation at hand. Loll, I'm sick of caring to be honest. I'm sick of being held accountable for the mistakes that others have made in the past. I'm not those people. I genuinely care, but for those who want to keep making me out to be the bad guy; I'll be that and stop caring. Insecurity is a muthafucka man. It effects everyone around you and everyone you interact with. So let me flip that script and stop trying to prove myself to these people and working so hard to hop over the Great Wall of China built up around whom folks truly are. It's obviously not the time for the gates to open. I'm not Tom Cruise and this isn't Mission Impossible. Sum that up.
Okay, so I might've gone left field with that last paragraph, but I caught a word! Forgive me. So for this day I pray that I listen to my instincts and let them guide me in the right direction. Along with the help of wisdom, faith, strength, understanding and peace. With that said, I wish all a wonderful weekend ahead. It'll be a weekend of cleaning, relaxing and shopping for me. Can't wait; peace ya'll.
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