Jul 2008
Okay so I'm stealing this idea from The Monique Show on the radio. I'm not sure if any of you all have heard the show or not, but it's hilarious. Sometimes they have serious topics that I enjoy as well. However, on Mondays; The topic is always, "After this weekend I will Never…" I think I have a pretty interesting life and I probably should do this daily; after today I will never…, loll. So for those people who want to participate, I will appreciate it and will enjoy hearing your responses. So let's begin shall we?
After this weekend I will never...
Step foot in another theatre with my big sister. Now me and this woman are like 2 worlds apart. She is 15 years my senior and is as free spirited as they come. She does NOT give a damn about what anybody thinks. She's spontaneous and is down to ride whenever, however and wherever. But I will be damned if I go to the movies with her again. First of all, when I picked her up she came straight from church and had on what looked like a bridesmaid dress. Don’t get me wrong, my sister is a beautiful woman and was working the dress, but it was definitely not the attire for the movie theatre. So needless to say, people were looking like "where the fuck are they going?" I'm mean mugging everyone who even looked our way.
We called ourselves being like an hour early for A Dark Knight (Batman) and the show we anticipated going to was sold out of course, so we had to wait 3 hours for the next. We sat down and ate in the restaurant inside the theater. That part was cool. It was not until we had to stand in that LONG ASS LINE of people waiting to be seated in the theatre we were going in. So of course I was pissed. People who have ever experienced going to the movies with me know that I have to be on time and I can't stand waiting or I'll go home. EARLY! I'm really picky about my movie theatre experience.
Okay so we're both in line and people are steady looking at my sister in this dress and she's talking a mile a minute, loud and doing some kind of 2 step to whatever song was playing in her head. Lmao! I love my sister, I really do. The whole time, I'm.."Camille, please stop dancing. What the hell song do you hear?!" She pays me no mind. As we are all being herded into the theater like live cattle, we're both excited, but she's so excited she starts dancing more and FASTER. People have no idea what is going on.
So we all know someone who plays the role as an "Ad-libbing extra" in the movies. She has something to say, and quite loudly might I add, after every single break in the film. You know these breaks are the quietest moments so everybody on our row and above us could hear her remarks. Dare somebody to shhh her and it's over. The whole theatre will be cursed out. Never again ya'll. I said I wasn't going to do it again after she thought it was a good idea to bring a huge family dollar bottle of bubbles in the movies and start blowing them on all the people below. I was so embarrassed. The looks on people's faces were priceless. So I love you sis, but we'll have to catch it on bootleg and view it in the privacy of your home.
So I want to know from you; after this weekend you will never…
After this weekend I will never...
Step foot in another theatre with my big sister. Now me and this woman are like 2 worlds apart. She is 15 years my senior and is as free spirited as they come. She does NOT give a damn about what anybody thinks. She's spontaneous and is down to ride whenever, however and wherever. But I will be damned if I go to the movies with her again. First of all, when I picked her up she came straight from church and had on what looked like a bridesmaid dress. Don’t get me wrong, my sister is a beautiful woman and was working the dress, but it was definitely not the attire for the movie theatre. So needless to say, people were looking like "where the fuck are they going?" I'm mean mugging everyone who even looked our way.
We called ourselves being like an hour early for A Dark Knight (Batman) and the show we anticipated going to was sold out of course, so we had to wait 3 hours for the next. We sat down and ate in the restaurant inside the theater. That part was cool. It was not until we had to stand in that LONG ASS LINE of people waiting to be seated in the theatre we were going in. So of course I was pissed. People who have ever experienced going to the movies with me know that I have to be on time and I can't stand waiting or I'll go home. EARLY! I'm really picky about my movie theatre experience.
Okay so we're both in line and people are steady looking at my sister in this dress and she's talking a mile a minute, loud and doing some kind of 2 step to whatever song was playing in her head. Lmao! I love my sister, I really do. The whole time, I'm.."Camille, please stop dancing. What the hell song do you hear?!" She pays me no mind. As we are all being herded into the theater like live cattle, we're both excited, but she's so excited she starts dancing more and FASTER. People have no idea what is going on.
So we all know someone who plays the role as an "Ad-libbing extra" in the movies. She has something to say, and quite loudly might I add, after every single break in the film. You know these breaks are the quietest moments so everybody on our row and above us could hear her remarks. Dare somebody to shhh her and it's over. The whole theatre will be cursed out. Never again ya'll. I said I wasn't going to do it again after she thought it was a good idea to bring a huge family dollar bottle of bubbles in the movies and start blowing them on all the people below. I was so embarrassed. The looks on people's faces were priceless. So I love you sis, but we'll have to catch it on bootleg and view it in the privacy of your home.
So I want to know from you; after this weekend you will never…
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