Jul 2008
"…shit get on my level you cant get on my level
you would need a space shuttle or a ladder that's forever
however I'm better if not now than never
don't you ever fix ya lips unless you bout to suck my dick
bitch swallow my words taste my thoughts
and if its too nasty spit it back at me."
you would need a space shuttle or a ladder that's forever
however I'm better if not now than never
don't you ever fix ya lips unless you bout to suck my dick
bitch swallow my words taste my thoughts
and if its too nasty spit it back at me."
Listening to Lil' Wayne early in the morning is never a good idea. I'm convinced, and although his lyrics are a bit redundant and somewhat played, he's still capable of giving the lowest person some ounce of self-esteem. He's a hilarious young man, I must say, and I needed the laughs this morning as I headed into work. I'm now stuck in what proves to be the longest week of my f'n life! It's finally hump day though, and I'm happy about it.
So I've read plenty of blogs published by people on my blog roll and they've all mentioned how surprised they are when they find out that certain ones are reading their posts. Or how fast a specific post spread as if it was an AIDS epidemic in DC. Truth be told, you never really know how many eyes are on your words, but the question is; should I care? Should I filter what I say to spare the feelings of the sensitive ones that may be reading? Should I apologize after every single blog written? I honestly don't think so. I use my blog as a therapy session for some of my most personal feelings. Although, I will admit that sometimes I use my blog as a vice for my everyday frustrations. It's either that, or go on small killing sprees. And, "I'd rather be pushing flowers, than to be in the pen sharing showers."
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
The emphasis in your life now is on relationships, even while you are at work. Your co-workers may be making a lot of noise about what they are doing, but you aren't impressed by what you see. Unfortunately, you may be required to bury any negative judgments, for it won't be productive today to share your critical view. Keep your opinions to yourself until the end of the week.
Not much impresses me anymore. At this very moment there are only 3 impressive people in my life. They do not go out of their way to do so and all is being done naturally. The sad thing is that I'm one of the 3 people =. Everyone else is just blah; the same monkeys turning the same flips. Not advancing in life at all. It's like I'm at an Olympic track meet and all the runners are running in place at full speed, not going any damn where. Everyone is cheering and highly impressed with their speed and techniques, while I'm trying to find the nearest exit. "No sittin' at the table if you bringin' nothin' to it. I get straight to it; like it's nothin' to it."
So I suppose my dedication to my anonymous readers would be that if you're reading the blog and happen stumble across something you don't like, didn't know or are guilty of; try not to take it so personally. Many people have desired to get a taste of me, but I'm like a jawbreaker aiming straight for the throat. I can't be chewed and I'm extremely hard to swallow. 99% of the time I'm regurgitated and spit back up in one whole piece. Do I reckon this to be a problem? No, because I dig the fact that it takes a special person to melt me down and fully digest who I am. If everyone was able to take me, then I'd be one boring, tasteless bitch.
"They say I talk with so much emphasis,
OOOO they so sen-sa-tive.
Don't ever fix your lips like collagen
Say something where you gone end up 'apologin'.
Let me know if it's a problem man,
Alright man, holla then."
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