I wanted to see this movie, because I had seen all the other ones, but I didn't plan on seeing it opening night. My besti decided to purchase tickets for 12:01am Friday morning. I was bittersweet about that. I wanted to see the movie, but I'm getting old ya'll. I just knew that I would be no good come 6:30am when it was time to get up and go to work. I went anyway though. I got into a little fender bender on the way to my besti's house, but it wasn't too bad. Just got a nice scratch on the front end of my car, and my license plate needs to be mounted back on. Other than that, blah.
I anticipated the theatre to be packed, and this was the reason we bought out tickets online. Man, there was not one person in line when we got there. We walked straight up to the ticket booth and got our tickets. The lady behind the booth said that they anticipated it to be more viewers that Friday night. Ugh, so we basically could've waited, but there was no use in turning back now. There was a nice crowd in the actual theatre, but there was still a lot of empty seats. People slowly started to pile in though once the movie got closer to starting. I am not going to reveal too much in this review, because it would be easy to give away certain things. I'll keep it plain and simple. IT SUCKED!

Tobin Bell

Costas Mandylor
Scott Patterson

Meagan Good

I was surprised to see Megan Good in the movie. I hadn't really seen too many previews of the movie before going to see it, so her appearance was a shocker. Which for me was the only perking moment of the film. My own lustful reasons are set behind that, forgive me. Well this movie has nothing on The Secret Life Of Bees, and definitely could've been caught on bootleg.

Damn, I want to say a lot here, but I know quite a few people actually keep up with the Saw movies. I am sick of this though, and I'm so mad at the writers. I mean, what's really going on? Let's quit making all of these flashback parts and get to the point, ya dig? I really am sick of seeing this old ass white man. I hate his voice and his face. Needless to say, people were rather pissed off at the end of the movie. I'll let ya'll be the judge of that one.
T. Nicole rates this film with 2 stars!!
Okay, so I'm not sure how I feel about this review. The end of the movie plagued me, but I enjoyed some of the complexities that were in it. I suppose what I most enjoy about the SAW series, is that every gadget is unique and each challenge is appropriately outside of the box. All that being said, I wouldn't call this my favorite of the series, but it was tolerable. 3 and 1 quarter stars. =]