Man-Hating Feminist - Usually found in Women's Studies or English classes. They find enjoyment in discussing how the standard of beauty is too high and how the opposite sex has taken over the world. They also tend to wear clothing that shows off cleavage in order to show that they are comfortable with their bodies. They tend to be loud in class discussions and easily annoyed by male classmates. Almost every conversation turns into a discussion of how men are degrading women.
I am bittersweet about my feminist. On one hand I respect them for keeping it together for us women out here. Letting us all know that a woman can do everything, if not better than any man can do. I feel you sister, but can you loosen up? I'm not even into dudes, and I'm finding myself to have to take up for my testosterone buddies. This is another example of someone forcing their opinion obnoxiously on other people. Everybody is not trying to hear that shit all the time. There is a time and a place for everything. Yes, we understand that you don't have respect for the sword swinging gentlemen; we get it!

Megaphone - This guy seems pretty intelligent and contributes with a vast amount of knowledge. Unfortunately he has got no grasp of volume at all. Will scream across the room with a content smile on his face while embarrassing the people around him. When conversing with The Megaphone you can't decide if he is constantly pulling your leg or just doesn't realize what the hell he is telling you. Does never know when to shut up, but magically manages to never piss anyone seriously off.
Am I being PUNK'D? Is the first thing you might ask yourself while trapped in a non inescapable situation with this loud mouth. You could be waiting in line at a grocery store, registering for class, at the bank or even in an elevator. If you're anything like me; I am armored with my "keep it moving" demeanor at all times. I do not like small talk and I do not like people in my personal space. So most of the time in public places by myself I give off that "don't say shit to me" attitude. Most of the time it works. People smile and they do exactly what I want them to do and they KEEP IT MOVING! *sigh* There is always one though. The loud one. The one not knowledgeable of what an inside voice is. You ignore him when you're shopping and you hear his loud ass 3 departments over yelling to his wife that he has finally found the big bloomers that she asked about on the ride over. She obviously is planning an escape route, that can't seem to dodge the detrimental volume of his voice. You just disregard the fact that this fool just did that and you continue shopping. You have no idea how you ended up in the same line as him while checking out your items. You thought he was loud 3 departments, but you didn't know how damaging it was until he was standing right behind you. You're looking around for the candid camera, because you know this dude is not talking to you this loudly and thinks that it's okay. It's a cruel world, so somebody has to be pulling a cruel joke. But it's not. Dude is real and you are now either really pissed or really embarrassed, because he's REALLY LOUD!

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Lol @ Man-Hating Feminist. I would loooooove to be in that class