Oct 2008
I hope everyone's weekend was as dope as mine was. I took a small break from going out to the clubs, but I went out this Friday to Club Toyz and I had a good time with my club hoppin' buddy Regina. As usual, we saw a bunch of characters in there, but I ran into some folks I hadn't seen in awhile. They are still up to the same thing; coming to the club every weekend fronting for the likes of other folks who don't give a damn. Ya'll know the drill, loll.
Although I was dragging this morning, I was still ready to face this week. October is going by rather fast and it's like the longest month in the year. I have a few more things to accomplish before the month runs out though.

There is a 10 pixel Casio digital camera that I want to cop next. I actually fell in love with it when I went iPod touch chasing all over Houston. It will come in handy on my Vegas trip this coming April with the crew. Yeah, that's right! T. Nookie will be hitting the strips in Vegas for the first time! I can't wait.
So enough of all that. Here we are Monday morning and I sit and wonder what I will be facing today. I had a situation occur this weekend that gave me an "ugh, omg not again" feeling. So basically it's a situation that I need to run away from as soon as possible. Another female in distress, begging to be emotionally saved. Well Captain Save A Ho has retired, in case you haven't heard.
Aquarius - October 20, 2008
Although I was dragging this morning, I was still ready to face this week. October is going by rather fast and it's like the longest month in the year. I have a few more things to accomplish before the month runs out though.

Yes, I purchased the iPod touch, and I absolutely love it. I even bought a little radio/cd player deck for it to listen to it while I'm at the office. I have surely been tuning out the world, and my days are running a more peaceful course. Lord knows I need it while on my never ending grind.

There is a 10 pixel Casio digital camera that I want to cop next. I actually fell in love with it when I went iPod touch chasing all over Houston. It will come in handy on my Vegas trip this coming April with the crew. Yeah, that's right! T. Nookie will be hitting the strips in Vegas for the first time! I can't wait.
So enough of all that. Here we are Monday morning and I sit and wonder what I will be facing today. I had a situation occur this weekend that gave me an "ugh, omg not again" feeling. So basically it's a situation that I need to run away from as soon as possible. Another female in distress, begging to be emotionally saved. Well Captain Save A Ho has retired, in case you haven't heard.
Aquarius - October 20, 2008
It may not be the easiest day to relate to others, dear Aquarius, but as usual, if you just go with the flow, you will find that you can have quite a bit of fun. Try not to get caught up in anyone else's drama. There are likely to be soap operas playing all around you, and quite frankly, you would do best to steer clear. Maintain a lighthearted attitude throughout the day, and try not to read into anything too deeply.
Yeah, I can see how the situation would be fun. However, I've already had my fun, and it's sad to say, but it's time to dip. I can't linger around for what it seems like I'm expected to linger around for. I am so not interested in playing another dramatic role in someone else's melodramatic screenplay. Beat it. There are a lot of f'd up situations I can relate to, but being the fact that some people just prey on others to throw their insecurities on; I'd rather not relate. Miss me with that.
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I wanna freaking go to vegas. And yeah us females are emotional creatures and in time of need for emotional comfort we tend to lean on the closest thing listening then, when we feel better ....See ya later sucker.
Me on the other hand when i get hurt i close my door and my eyes and crank up the volume and give whoevers listening an ill ass concert of me singing mary j, vivian green, Heather healdey and others!
Oh by the way Love the blog!
cool. you bought the ipod. i envy you girl. i need to get mine too. its still a toss up between the ipod touch and the new ipod nano. such a hard decision