Jerry and Rachel are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move.
Michelle Monaghan
Rosario Dawson
Michael Chiklis
Ethan Embry

The only thing that annoyed me with this movie was the mysterious caller giving all the directions. Her voice was the same one on the automated systems that you may call when you make a payment by phone for your cable, credit card or cellphone bill. However, that was the only annoying thing. The movie was very good to me. I think Shia did an excellent job. He's come along way since the Disney Channel and Even Stevens.
He's actually become a very handsome young man. Sexy even...

No? Mmkay. Sorry.
His girlfriend Megan Fox is though! Mmkay!!!

There were a lot of mixed reviews on this film, but despite what critics say; I thouroughly enjoyed it. There were not boring parts of the film in my opinion. I was in tune with every single scene. EVEN THOUGH the movie was good, I think you still can just wait until it comes out on DVD. So do NOT drop what you are doing to rush off and go see it. I'm not trying to have people mad at me. Ya'll can just come watch it with me at my crib when it comes out on DVD.
T. Nicole rates this film with 3 and a half stars!!!

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