Kenya, 1953
Ernest Hemingway on Safari.
Photograph by Earl Theisen for LOOK Magazine, in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston.
"The parody is the last refuge of the frustrated writer. Parodies are what you write when you are associate editor of the Harvard Lampoon. The greater the work of literature, the easier the parody. The step up from writing parodies is writing on the wall above the urinal."
- Ernest Hemingway, "quoted in A.E. Hotchner, Papa Hemingway, 1966 edition, pt. 1, ch. 4 (1966)"
The most astonishing way a person lives their life, makes it so easy for people to try to imitate them. It's funny, because they are really tying to be you, walk in your shoes, live the life you're living. However, no matter how immaculate the imitation is, the person dwelling in their own reality will always be living above and beyond, while the imitates wallow below in the pissy waters of false facades.
Children look up to their parents, big brothers, big sisters when they are still running around in diapers. They childishly mock their older mentors and try so hard to be older than what they actually are. At this stage in life, it's cute! If your grown ass is still running around mimicking people, jacking swags and attempting to be something you weren't meant to be, than you've reached the stage of pathetic.
This shit kills me. Here I am living my life in high definition reality, and here comes some lame on some three stooges shit trying to imitate me in crappy black and white. This shit is not a game, this is life; my life. I wake up every morning thanking God to be able to see the sun shine again. I'm on my grind everyday, busting life wide open and doing everything in my power not to lose myself in some hopeless dream or illusion of happiness. So, "give me back my point of view, because I can't think for you." So stop taking the easy way out, co-writing my life with your parodies, because my life ain't no joke…apparently.

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That's an excellent quote.
I absolutely understand where you are coming from ! I have this problem with a lot of people . but hey ... at the end of the day it's their life that is royally fucked, because they have no perception as to who they are anymore .
i lmao when I read jacking swags . i don't know why, but it was just funny to me.
I love that dude amazing with the pen
just do me a favor and dont go postal.
amen,thats tuff,but juss take it as yurr starting your own trend
yooo!!,as I wrote that last psost,i was lisnin to dat drake and wayne shit, that first verse is MEAN
gotcha on the blogroll
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
Little Miss Nobody - I agree
ill;kinda - you're absolutely right. People are just not happy with themselves, so they mock other people's lives, trying to stage their happiness. Swag jacking is serious girl!!! Lol. The crime is being committed a million times over as we speak!
Wiz - I will try not to, loll.
Jervis - Drizzy is cold man.
Mz Fantastikk - Dig that quote girl.
Reggie - Thanks!
Oh gurl, you DID this!
"Often imitated...never duplicated"
dang thats deep!
love the song by the way!
...it reminds me of a quote i yelled at some darkskin chick who was jockin me and stalking me and pretending to be online (weird bitch) ..i think im angry today i've been cursing alot
Imitation is the best form of flattery....
I want you to read this:
called Imitation flattery or thievery ...
LMAO @ thinking u can plagiarize and call it flattering the author ...