Night Owl - Staying up long after you've gone to bed, a night owl roommate may periodically awaken you with a laughing fit after reading a Chuck Norris joke on some crappy forum or heating water in the microwave for a 3 AM cup of ramen. May be seen complaining about the lack of places open in town at 1 in the morning on Tuesday night. The night owl is also likely to skip morning classes.
This is one of the reasons why I begged my daddy to pay the extra bucks for me to have my own dorm room the 2ND semester of my freshman year. I mean my roomie was my Caucasian home girl that I use to work at Boston Market with. I remember being so excited when she told me we were going to the same University. At first we were assigned different roomies, my first one had to go. I couldn't stand her. Then "J" came along, and was like "well my roomie dropped out after one week", that was that, and we moved in with one another. I should've known, just from working with her. I use to want to pour that hot ass roasted chicken grease on her ass when we worked the same shift. Why on earth did I think we being roommates would work out? The girl NEVER SLEPT!!! She was on those white lines, so that made her talk even more!!! I mean wow. Even when I came in super late from a party or some chicks dorm room, she was up; smiling, waiting, and bright eyed. Me, "WHY ARE YOU UP?! GO TO SLEEP "J"!!!" I don't spend the night with people, but I had to start just to get some sleep! I love her to death though, but I was so happy when her boyfriend swept her little vanilla ass off her feet and moved her ass back to Houston!
No School Spirit - He/she hats the place. He/she hates the teachers, the classes, the way its run, but not enough hate to go on a shooting rampage - just the desire to get the hell out and start life. These people couldn't care less bout any of the events such as sports games, dances, or theater plays. You most likely find them in basic standard classes, and they never try at anything.
Yo, these kids didn't give a fuck. I mean, I hope that they actually found interest in something sooner or later, but in school none was shown. I wasn't all that big into school spirit and events either. They would have school spirit week and run around on the dorm room floors screaming and beating on the doors. I'd go out in the hallway and curse everybody out, and dare one of those Blondie's to bang on my door one more time. Where was "J"? Outside screaming and high, lmaoo! She NEVER went to any of the events, but the fact that people were screaming, she joined them. I cared about my grades though, but I did my work and I did my thing. Never really caring about the school itself. It was in this country ass hick town, and everybody was too damn friendly. Nobody was even bucking in the clubs? They were getting their Texas 2 step on, and grabbing their big belt buckles and cowboy hats. When I actually found people of color, discovered other things about myself personally, I went on a different type of rampage. However, that is for a different time and another blog.

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*Sigh* Obviously they are both me.
Im never sleep and I really could care less alot of the time, except when football season rolls around.
I love my schools band but the team...they're such losers so i just usually bounce after the halftime show unless its a BIG game....
Oh and P.S.
Can You E-Mail That Dollar to me for the album please?? LMAO
Yeah, I hear you on leaving at halftime. I can't lie, sometimes I didn't even make it that far.
I'm emailing that dollar right now!
Alright, I got you added.
lmao. i hate how dead on these things are! Like.. you got this shit down to a science!
P.S. im stealing the graphic and putting it on my dL. It sums me up so well!