Dec 2008
Damn, the year is basically over. It's December 1st! I enjoyed my 4 day weekend, although I had to work at 'the caster' a couple of those days. It was still great. I'm glad to see that everybody got through the Thanksgiving holiday, with little or no drama. I'm back at work this morning unfortunately, but I'm off until Friday after this; so I'm not even tripping and I'm anxious to knock this day out. It won't be easy, since my desk is stacked high to the ceiling with work. Another day in the life of an over worked and underpaid citizen though. Blah.
So I have a question to ask? Does the loud mouth intrigue you more, or the mild tempered and barely speaking? And when I say barely speaking, I mean the ones that gives the need to know information. I personally have run into a lot of loud mouths this year. People who don't know when to shut up. They feel they need to tell their entire life stories in one setting, just to impress and compare. This in turn leaves me in my quiet state. I'm labeled as shy, bashful, nervous or sometimes stuck up. Negative sir. None of the above, it's just that the person wouldn't shut the fuck up long enough for me to get a word in. I don't over talk people, and I don't cut them off. Now, I might hang up if they get on my nerves too bad, but for the most part; I listen and I observe. I let people talk themselves straight into a lie, and I stick around long enough to see how they will cover it up, and I dip.

So I have a question to ask? Does the loud mouth intrigue you more, or the mild tempered and barely speaking? And when I say barely speaking, I mean the ones that gives the need to know information. I personally have run into a lot of loud mouths this year. People who don't know when to shut up. They feel they need to tell their entire life stories in one setting, just to impress and compare. This in turn leaves me in my quiet state. I'm labeled as shy, bashful, nervous or sometimes stuck up. Negative sir. None of the above, it's just that the person wouldn't shut the fuck up long enough for me to get a word in. I don't over talk people, and I don't cut them off. Now, I might hang up if they get on my nerves too bad, but for the most part; I listen and I observe. I let people talk themselves straight into a lie, and I stick around long enough to see how they will cover it up, and I dip.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious." - Albert Einstein
Sometimes it pays to share only what is asked. There is no need to go out of your way, add to the story, or lie to get a rise out of people. I like a challenge of the mind, and I am intrigued by mystery. It makes me want to stick around just to see what else will be revealed. When I first meet you, I beg that you leave me hanging, so that I can come back for more. I will yearn for it, anticipate it. Quench my thirst. Don't drown me with ignorance, irrelevant information and outrageous lies.
Just yesterday, I had to honestly ask someone why she felt the need to disperse such useless information to me. This was after she told me this fabricated, long, and drawn out story about who she was with, how she was basically using me as a pawn to make them jealous, how much money this person had, and who the person was sleeping with while away in Iraq. Needless to say, I didn't give a damn about none of this. She told this story for about 5 minutes. I just sat in silence and listened. There were a few pregnant pauses, and I guess this is where I was suppose to come in with a response or reaction, but there were none. I don't respond or react to bullshit. So she kept going. At the end of this tale, I asked her that question. Keep in mind, this person states that she was trying to get to know me. ME! However, she constantly ran her mouth about all of these faceless people in her life, not even ONCE asking about ME. She was thanked for her time and dismissed.
Just yesterday, I had to honestly ask someone why she felt the need to disperse such useless information to me. This was after she told me this fabricated, long, and drawn out story about who she was with, how she was basically using me as a pawn to make them jealous, how much money this person had, and who the person was sleeping with while away in Iraq. Needless to say, I didn't give a damn about none of this. She told this story for about 5 minutes. I just sat in silence and listened. There were a few pregnant pauses, and I guess this is where I was suppose to come in with a response or reaction, but there were none. I don't respond or react to bullshit. So she kept going. At the end of this tale, I asked her that question. Keep in mind, this person states that she was trying to get to know me. ME! However, she constantly ran her mouth about all of these faceless people in her life, not even ONCE asking about ME. She was thanked for her time and dismissed.
Where was the mystery? All I heard was a loud mouth that really wasn't saying anything. Instead of being intrigued, I was left unimpressed and irritated.
T.Nicole © 2008
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And anything that lacks depth is never good. You're right. Got one for the tight lips!
Oh, and you're welcome.
How about a balance of both. That is tact. That is smoovness define. Check that: Smoove. Not smooth.