Tyler Perry
Alfre Woodard
Sanaa Lathan
Rockmond Dunbar
KaDee Strickland
Cole Hauser
Taraji P. Henson
Robin Givens
Kathy Bates
I had to wait to see this movie since all of the theaters were closed down with no power here in Houston. I finally got a chance to see it on Friday.
Ma Kisses, T-Redd and myself all hit up a Chinese buffet and then headed to AMC Studio 30 for the 11:00 show. It wasn't crowded at all and I am glad of that.

When I say that this movie is good; IT'S GOOD! I enjoyed every moment of it. Once again Tyler has wrapped me up into his down to earth and real life plots. Sanaa was marvelous as usual. Fine ass all out doors too! Mmm, mmm, mmm!
It was nice to see Alfre Woodard and Sanaa Lathan act together again. I still remember the scene from Love And Basketball when Alfre slapped the shit out of Sanaa. They had a similar moment in The Family That Preys and I thought she would get slapped again. I was ready for it. Taraji P. Henson did well in this movie also. I have a hard time not looking at her like that ghetto bird she played in Baby Boy. I was just waiting for her to yell, "I hate you Jodi!" all loud and whinny, but that didn't happen Thank God.

Now these two; Kathy Bates and Alfre Woodard were a hoot the entire movie. They really reminded me and
Ma Kisses. I really have a feeling this is exactly how we're going to be when we grow older. I can't wait! Although, I'd have to strangle her ass if she put me through some of the stuff that went down in the movie. These two women are great actresses to me. Sometimes Alfre still reminds me of that crack head she played in Holiday Heart and Kathy reminds me of that fed up lady in Misery. I love them both though. They work well together.

I just want to take a moment and talk about Tyler's hair. I was very disappointed and disgusted about what was going on with his hair. I understand that he worked in construction and had to wear that hard hat the entire day. However, there were sences when he wasn't even thinking about work, nor had he been to work and his hair was dented and shaped horribly. There was no excuse for this. He looked a hot mess and I know he was well aware of this. Everytime there was a scene with him in it, the entire theatre started to giggle. Tyler was wrong for this. However, I guess when you are damn near a billionare, you can do what the fuck you wanna do. Go head Tyler!
T. Nicole rates this movie with 5 stars!!
I saw this movie last Friday and I have to say that I loved it as well. Kathy and Alfre were dynamic together and Sanaa's role shocked me. It was tough seeing her play a "bad guy" but she played the heck out of it.
I was wondering the same thing about Tyler's appearance in general. He looked sloppy and like you, I understand he was a construction worker but geez.
Uh oh...I thought the movie was average but didn't think it was great (please don't kill me lol). I just thought that Perry could have developed the characters instead of jumping to so many conclusions in the time line (the affair, the steady decline in both marriages, etc.)
O yeah, one more thing...the cast was top grade and with all that talent I think something greater could have been produced (there were tons of weird camera angles too)..ok i'm done LOL
I thought the movie was on point to. When I read that some people didn't care for it...Ieshia...I was shocked.
I still havent seen it... I opted to see The Women instead that weekend which was really good... i will most likely wait on this one because too many other movie are about to come out like secret life of the bees