Tyler Perry
Alfre Woodard
Sanaa Lathan
Rockmond Dunbar
KaDee Strickland
Cole Hauser
Taraji P. Henson
Robin Givens
Kathy Bates
I had to wait to see this movie since all of the theaters were closed down with no power here in Houston. I finally got a chance to see it on Friday. Ma Kisses, T-Redd and myself all hit up a Chinese buffet and then headed to AMC Studio 30 for the 11:00 show. It wasn't crowded at all and I am glad of that.

It was nice to see Alfre Woodard and Sanaa Lathan act together again. I still remember the scene from Love And Basketball when Alfre slapped the shit out of Sanaa. They had a similar moment in The Family That Preys and I thought she would get slapped again. I was ready for it. Taraji P. Henson did well in this movie also. I have a hard time not looking at her like that ghetto bird she played in Baby Boy. I was just waiting for her to yell, "I hate you Jodi!" all loud and whinny, but that didn't happen Thank God.

Life is pretty much back to normal for me though. In all areas. I came out of both crazy situations last week without a stain on me! I have to thank God for that. He kept and is still keeping me focused on the things that truly matter. Although both jobs are hectic right now, I'm enjoying getting up every morning to face each day. I am ready and fully equipped for the challenges that may arise during my days.
Aquarius - September 26, 2008
A couple of friends asked me have I given up on love, dating and relationships. The answer is heck no. I don't have women lined up (well not any that I want anyway) to sweep me off of my feet, but I do believe that one woman's ignorant ass loss is another woman's brilliant ass gain. Just thinking about getting to know someone and vice versa makes me want to upchuck. I don't care to know your background, your likes and dislikes. I'm so over this whole thing; I don't even want to have sex. That says a lot. Later for that though. Right now, I'm just not interested. AT ALL. I wish someone would send out a temporary memo though. I don't like having to ignore people or avoid them so that I won't have to hurt anyone's feelings. Oh well though. If you're not interested, you're not interested. Beat it. Scram. Scat. Catch me next season.
I know this weekend is going to be a big blur and will all run together, being that most of my time will be spent at work. I do plan on catching a couple of movies in the theaters so expect some of T. Nicole's movie reviews to be posted on Monday. I plan on FINALLY going to the beauty shop. That damn Ike messed up my routine. Although my beautician knew she could've worked through that hurricane. Punk ass. If I can find a fully stocked and operating grocery store in Houston, I plan on going grocery shopping as well this weekend. That might have to wait until next week some time though.
Well it's lunch time and I'm craving Chinese food.
Sometimes my life can be sooooo, wow. I attract some really crazy and dramatic people. There is never a dull moment in my life and each day brings on another set of bizarre events. I applaud myself, because I handle them well. I find the silver lining in every cloud and make sure I keep smiling through it all. Bottom line is I always come out on top. Double crossing me ironically only causes you to dig your own grave. I'll ruin a person's whole life, repent and wake up smiling the next morning. Forgive me for my honesty.
My scope told me to use today's initiatives and take advantage of the atmosphere to put together a realistic plan for my future. The rewards will be great. I have been living in la la land for the past few months and riding on a hopeless lie. I just got one rude awakening and now I have to catch up. I have to work double time to happily be face to face with my reality. Last night while I was sitting at home masterminding as usual, I was thinking about my next steps in life. From love to career to friends to school to family to religion. I feel like I have accomplished a lot in this year, but I still have a bit more to go as far as my goals are concerned. I'm going to put the whole love thing back on the shelf wayyyyy in the back again. That is only a distraction for me anyway. Gosh, this is going to be an awesome week. Last week was kind of shitty, due to that wack ass hurricane and the aftermath, but I'm excited about this week. Already I've pulled somebody's cards, got a super bonus at work, got my electricity back and it's only TUESDAY!!
Expect a lot of blogs this week. Shit only 4 people read this shit anyway, loll.
The storm surge in Galveston was 18-20 feet. You could just imagine how under water the city of Galveston is. People's homes are completely washed away. It will take years to rebuild the city.

Some white dude being lifted by the winds in Galveston. I thought it was pretty senseless to be doing this when he should've been evacuating. I hope he was found later.

Most of the city was in high water status. Some places more severe than others. I was stuck inside my apartment until Sunday. There was no way anyone could have travelled the roads after that.
Saturday was miserable. My cellphone battery was completely dead and I had very little food. The power was out and so was the water. It was steaming hot and the neighborhood was trashed. The complex was gloomy and pitch black once night fall came. Saturday night brought more heavy rains that lasted all night long. Sunday I woke up to more rain. I packed a back Sunday afternoon and made a 2 hour trip to my parents house that normally take 30 minutes. The roads were hazardous and cluttered with debris and flooded with rain water. I got to my parents house around 4:00 and they were sitting in the living room with their feet up drinking cappuchinos. I was too through. I was shaking, hungry, thirsty and hot! And they were parlaying! WITH POWER and steaks on the grill!! I guess it pays to live way out with the white folks in the gated community. Ugh! Uppity asses.
So needless to say, I stayed at my parents house all week. I was on vacation from work and I still enjoyed myself even though I didn't and couldn't go anywhere. Houston at that time had a curfew of 9:00pm. I went back to work on Friday and still did not have any electricity in my apartment. In fact the electricity was off for 9 days. The city was and still is black. The gas stations were horrible. Here are a couple pics from a crowded Chevron station I was at. Spent an hour and fifteen minutes trying to get gas...

I'm thankful that my family and friends are all okay. A lot of them are still without power, but they have their homes in tact and they are in good health and all accounted for. We are blessed and thankful for it. The city is still in a great deal of turmoil, but as the days pass; it's all getting better. I do pray for all the families that were effected by Hurricane Ike. I took the storm for another flop, but the next hurricane I will not sleep and be much more prepared for.
My blogging will hopefully start back up. I missed you guys.

I'm tagging these honest people:
Kid That Fucking No One Likes - This kid is a douche bag! And for arguments sake let's call him "DANNY". This kid will attempt to befriend you then manage to say or do something so unspeakably rude or offer some backwards compliment. Parties disassemble whenever this ass hat manages to find his way to one.
I mean I don’t like most people and today I don't like anyone, but we all have one person that we just don't REALLY like. You don’t hate them or anything. In fact, you're even cordial to this person out of respect for humankind, but you still don’t like them. Everything about them just irks you and makes your skin crawl for some odd reason. From how dingy their shoes are, to the way they only smile with one half of their mouth, to that loud noise that they make when their chewing come, even the way that they walk. You're just like UGH! You dodge them, just so you won't have to be chummy and put up that fake ass façade called politeness. Man I don’t even want to talk about it anymore. NEXT!

Library Leech - Sees that you're studying in the library, but couldn’t care less. They want to chit chat and won't leave. They plop their stuff down and talk to you, despite the fact that your books are open and you're obviously studying hard; or worse, trying to finish something that’s due in 10 minutes!
Please keep in mind that this is one of the common reasons why people get shanked in broad daylight and no one runs to the victim's rescue. Again, here you are trying your hardest to be nice and polite. Clearly you see the leech approaching, so you bury your head deeper into what ever you're doing. You focus and you focus HARD! You just know they person will be considerate and leave you be, because they see you working diligently. WRONG! They disrupt your entire world and break out into conversation. There is no introduction at all. They just start talking. Then comes the plop. The loudest plop and the most dreadful plop you've ever heard. When they plop, you know they're not leaving anytime soon. This is when you have to make some life decisions. Either contemplate suicide, possible lethal injection, or a misdemeanor for aggravated assault. Word to the wise, just slap them. Trust me, everyone will understand why you did what you did.
Be back in a few with part II.

Yesterday I found myself banging my head up against a brick wall. After hearing nothing but my own echo, I realized that no one was listening to me. I started to feel the pain in my head from the banging. It was then that I understood that it was just time to shut up. I'm going to continue on this love journey, but at this time I just need to do it in silence and listen. I'm always talking and trying to go above and beyond with making sure that everything is working properly. I feel like I'm working in vain, so let me just shut up and drive.
Wednesday, 10 September, 2008
Aquarius (20 Jan - 18 Feb)
You may be growing impatient, but it's a good idea to hold in your feelings just a little bit longer. If you express what's on your mind today, your words could lose impact because you jumped the gun. Balance your need to get something off your chest with being mature enough to wait for the optimum time. It will be more effective to speak your heart tomorrow when the Moon returns to your sign.
My friend Regina use to tell me all the time that closed mouths don't get fed and I began to live by those words. Every time a problem would erupt I would break my neck to try and communicate through the issue and rectify that problem. Come up with solutions so that the problem won't occur again. I would make the necessary changes within myself to eliminate the problem as well. I do believe that problems are only made by us and our attitudes towards such problems. If we really want to work through it, that’s what exactly is needed…WORK. However, in some problems caused by two people, it takes 2 people to fix it. When only 1 person is putting the weight of the problem on their back alone and trying to do everything in their power to fix it, nothing will work. The only thing that will happen is that person growing so tired that they just give up.
I've carried so many problems on my back that weren't even my own. I take the slack for a lot of things that happen, because I know that I can handle it and I know exactly where to throw it in order to keep the peace. I can't do that anymore though. I'm tired of talking and not being heard, I'm tired of working and not being acknowledged, I'm tired of not being met half way and I'm tired of beating to everyone's drum just to keep them happy. The world is a selfish place man and I use to be soooooo part of that selfish bandwagon. Everything was always about me and it was always my way or the highway. There was never any question about it. No conversation needed, I thought what I wanted and when I wanted. I disregarded everyone's feelings with no remorse. I don't want to go back that route, but I do know that me being they way that I am today is only causing me to crash into brick walls.
I don’t know, but for right now I'm just going to remain silent and listen. Maybe somebody will start talking so that I can hear what's on the other side of that wall. I'm pretty disgusted this morning, but I do pray that my day gets better and that God will guide me through this point in my life like He has done with every other point.

Over the weekend I had some time to do a little thinking. I realize how alone I truly am in my world. I have a couple people who are very close to me, but they will never be able to get so close that they understand totally who I am. For them to do that, they would have to be me. You ever been so frustrated with someone for not getting the point you're trying to make? You get angry and you may even start to yell, thinking that maybe they just don't hear you. However, when it's all said and done; you're still alone in your own understandings. That person really isn't to be held at fault for not understanding you, because your point is painted in your own perception of life. All humans can really ask for is respect. Understanding is rarely ever found. Now respect is something that we all deserve, especially if we're naturally giving it.
While I was tossing and turning last night, I came to the realization that I've placed myself in another emotional predicament that only I can be held responsible for. I listed all of my pros and cons in loving someone with all of me. Everything is all good, until you're left alone with your thoughts and your feelings scrambled on a dish in front of you. You're the only one dining at this table. The person that you're loving has now gone deeper into their own world and are handling their own feelings the best way that they know how.
"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." - Albert Camus
I know that things are only what you make of them. The only issues that evolve in any situation is nursed by you and only you. Only you can make it better or you can make it worse. I find myself guilty in holding someone responsible for my feelings. Just because love is involved really doesn't mean anything. Love is what it is and it is handled differently by every individual on this earth. I love a certain way and that way is hard. When I'm in it, I'm in it! I turn myself inside out and make sure that I give my all. My expectations are at an all time high for that of my mate. That is my mistake. Even in love, you cannot expect anything from anyone.
Being left alone with darkness of my room, the tears splashing on my pillows and the warm embrace of God, who is my best friend; reminded me of how much I honestly do love myself. This is a state that is rare for me and a state that I vowed to never be in again. I've lost myself in someone and I've gone against who I am. I feel that we all can be with someone in love without losing yourself. If you do happen to lose yourself, then you're only setting yourself up for a harder fall in the end. This is a reality check for me and something that I needed to be reminded of real quick, before I lost my damn mind.
Aquarius - September 3, 2008
In love I ask for respect and to be met half way in all that is done. I ask for proper communication, trust and honesty. Things that sound so simple but are so hard to maintain and obtain. I'm not trying to fall over this cliff again. It hurts and it leaves me with too many bruises that I have to heal. "The best way to escape from your problem is to solve it." - Robert Anthony. Simple and sweet. I appreciate the changes that I've made and the woman that I've become. I appreciate all of the heartaches I've gone through in my past and how good it felt once my wounds were healed. I've learned from my mistakes and I'm only hanging over this cliff, because I'm on the verge of making the same mistake twice times three. Can't do it. Won't do it.
I refuse to fall out of love, but I will if love will not have me anymore and cannot respect and accept my changes. I have to stay true to myself and never lose everything that I've built in someone else. That's too much to be thrown on them as a person and it's not fair. It will end up with both of us hurt in the end. Logically speaking, I have to do what I have to do and get back on that easy stretch. End detour.

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