Yeah, until I see and feel the change; I'll think the same damn thing!
Gosh, my day almost started off kind of BLAH this morning. I'm still in a positive state though. Workload is light, and I have time to actually process all the thoughts going through my head. I hope this feeling lasts on through my birthday next week. I want to be in a good mood all week. No matter how shitty I think my life is. Shit could always smell worse and be worse. I'm surviving though, and I'm glad to have survived yet another year. I'm trying to survive these lessons in love too, but I'm not sure how long this will last. My nerves are being worked beyond repair. Lord knows I'm trying though. Feeling alone at a table occupied by two is never good ya dig? I'm not worried about that anymore though. I honestly feel like I've done all that I can do by my lonesome in that situation. I'm going back to the dugout. The Champ can step up to the plate now. Hope she don’t strike out, because I'll be entering another draft for the number one pick on another team! I'll save this love verbatim for "The Reason".
Seriously though, I'm going to need that swagger right, skin light, sexy mfer in office to hit me off with a $1400 stimulus check this year. I'll pray on that, and let ya'll know how that goes, lmao. Man, I've laughed through my entire weekend, and I've been laughing every since. Sometimes shit be so ridiculous that you can't help BUT to laugh. I'm serious, here is a picture of my ass today after all the laughter….

Whew. I need to gel my hair back like Al Sharpton, because I'm seriously trying to keep the hope alive! With his crooked ass. That's besides the point though. Making and moving money like Willard Smith in 2009, is still apart of the years goals and business plans. Buckle down Nookie, buckle down. Stop getting shit faced in the club, and start robbing fools. I kid, I kid. Don’t tuck your chains in on account of little ol' me. Besides, I'm too legit to quit now. That's crazy, because Hammer said the same thing and well we all know his outcome and negative income. I can't lie and say I didn't make a few bogus and ridiculous purchases and investments on ungrateful folks. I chalked them up as a loss, but I'm feeling that shit big time. I would love to hear the words from these fools mouths, "yo, Mica here goes that money you hit me with a couple months ago! I know you thought I forgot!" Ha! Don't matter, you live and you learn. Get your umbrellas, rubber ducky floatation devices, and safety kits out though, because I'm brainstorming, and this shit about to hit harder than Katrina, Rita and Ike combined.
*Side note* Funny how people fall off of their job (or maybe they were never on it to begin with), and when you least expect it; here comes someone out the woodworks with a fucking superwoman cape on picking up the slack. Bittersweet…
To the person texting my phone right now making me cheese harder than a Chester cat….thanks. Talk about a grand entrance!

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I feel you on the IRS thing, I am in no rush to file mine this year no matter how much they take out I still end up owing.
I am trying to start my day of positively, but stuff keeps happening. I so need a vacation.
Yeah, I'm not filing that shit until April. You not alone on needing a vacation.
OMG your too funny....Al Sharpton..
Anyway. Obama is sexy and Champ..Im not too fond of her story i guess i entered blog world late ..
And yeah where do these supermen and women come from....
My comments alll over the place because im in class trying my hardest to read over my teachers shoulders and type this at the same time...SMH
At the moment, I'm not too fond of her story either. Hopefully that'll look up. Thats the least of my worries though.
Lol, I don't know where these supermen and woman come from. I'm not mad at them though. Well, I don't get mad until they take the cape off and show their true colors.
I'm going to need you to pay attention in class.
Likewise!! I went to do my taxes and I'm going to break about even..what?!? It is soooo not fair!!!! The more you make the more they take..
IRS can kiss my ass. They make me want to quit working all together and make some paper illegally. They make SURE their asses get paid.
Hey girl. suuuuuuuuup
lol @ thats racist.
rofl @ lmao
dumbass recession. now i cant get my ipod. US exchange rate is through the flippin' roof. i might soon have to get a part-time job as a bank robber or something. times are hard.