Sep 2009
So after Ye's typical outburst on the VMA's; he felt the need to apologize to poor Taylor Swift. That poor little country white girl! I felt so bad for her after his black ass got up there and acted a fool! We know Beyonce should've won, but damn give somebody else a time to shine! Don't throw shade Ye!! Anyway, here is the apology that he gave on the Jay Leno show.
**The video has been pulled, and I'm too lazy to go find another one**
Well, I must say that it ain't no Chris Brown apology. I can say that it's from the heart, but how many times do you have to apologize for your actions Ye?! We've heard it all before! He is like an award show hit man! I do hope that this is his last stunt though, because I like Kanye. He's a very talented dude, but clearly he has emotional problems. He doesn't know how to express his feelings in the correct way; whatever that may be. I thought he'd be more humble after the loss of his mother, but 99% of the time; people don't change no matter what happens in their life. Ye, something's got to give though. I know you said "you wanna check into the heartbreak hotel, but sorry we're closed", but you might wanna call them back! They may have some vacancies!
Well, I must say that it ain't no Chris Brown apology. I can say that it's from the heart, but how many times do you have to apologize for your actions Ye?! We've heard it all before! He is like an award show hit man! I do hope that this is his last stunt though, because I like Kanye. He's a very talented dude, but clearly he has emotional problems. He doesn't know how to express his feelings in the correct way; whatever that may be. I thought he'd be more humble after the loss of his mother, but 99% of the time; people don't change no matter what happens in their life. Ye, something's got to give though. I know you said "you wanna check into the heartbreak hotel, but sorry we're closed", but you might wanna call them back! They may have some vacancies!
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Wassup Meek Meek!!
Kanye is lame. Even if Beyonce did deserve that award, that is no reason for a grown man to go on stage and interrupt the acceptance speech of a child.
Question... didn't viewers vote for the winners of each category of that award show?
Fuck that! Kanye has built his whole damn career on arrogance from his music, to his style, to other outlandish behavior. In my opinion no one should have expected or wanted an apology. He's Kanye he does stupid shit like that- that happened to produce ratings for MTV, push Record sales for Taylor (nobody knew who her ass was before the award show)And had it not been for Kanye she would have done her little speech, got off the stage and we all would have forgotten about her little country ass. Am I saying I agree with what Kanye did? Hell no but if he was bold enough to do it he should have stood his ground..fired his damn publicist for all I care but he shouldn't have had to apologize because now he doesn't look like Kanye..he looks like some troubled five year old that throws temper tantroms when things doesn't go his way!
....That is all!
Wiz - lmaoo. Thanks
Miss. Mika - heyyy buddy! Kanye is an ass, loll. I felt bad for the little girl. And I don't know if the viewers voted for that particular category.
Go - Yeah Kanye has been doing this shit for years; i'm not sure why they still give him invites! He's a bitch...real talk. Super talented tho.